Forum Post: Between 1915 and 1970, “an African American was lynched every four days..”
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 9, 2012, 12:30 p.m. EST by OurTimes2011
from Arlington, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
AND IT CONTINUES TO THIS DAY......Every four days, an African-American dies of HIV/AIDS in DC.
Washington, DC has America's highest median income, surpassing even Silicon Valley. The average pay of District-based federal workers is $126,369. The District of Columbia also has higher BLACK-WHITE income inequality than any state.
The clearest example yet of how this government does not work for the people.
You have an unusual definition for genocide. If it is it's pretty inefficient genocide. I take it you believe these aids victims are somehow being infected through no fault or action of their own? Aids isn't exactly like the flu, you do have to participate in some activity to get it. So it wouldn't appear to be some kind of plot. Deaths and infections have dropped in the last decade and leveled off, did the government not tell some people how to avoid infection?
DC isn't a typical location, many of those federal workers are highly educated and highly paid individuals originally from outside the district. Black students drop out of school at a rate of about 9% in DC, severely limiting their opportunities. Difficult to explain the importance of education to kids, but there are consequences when you choose ignorance over education.
I wouldn't compare AIDS to the flu. The flu can be transmitted through little effort while you actually have to go out of your way to contract AIDS by seeking a sexual partner and choose not to use protection. To make matters worse, if the dropout rate in DC is even close to the national average, then it is closer to 50% which only perpetuates the problem.
I said aids isn't like the flu, you need to actually do something to get it. You don't say why you think aids is evidence of genocide? Or for that matter how is low income leading to genocide?
Dropout rates amont blacks has dropped in the last couple of years, it's now at about 9% in DC high schools. It's double that for hispanics, by the way.
It is nice to read informed people.
I agree with some of what you said, but I would argue that unusual definitions are oftentimes the most correct.
I DO like the term... inefficient-genocide. It just has a kind of slipperiness to it.
I'd look at an interpretation or creative definition on a case by case basis. I see it more often as a tactic to define your opposition in the worst possible way.
mmm k...
Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group."
Looks like it fits here...
Who is deliberately killing black people? I am pretty sure plenty of whites and a ton of East Asians also die from AIDS.
But that this were true. It is not.
Yes, I know.
Wrong. You have never set foot in DC. You need to learn. The point is not the efficiency of the genocide. The most efficient were the germans. they were so efficient they got caught. better to be a little less efficient, that way you can make sure you get the job done.
Black dropout rate irrelevant. Even with degrees from harvard, they would not be hired. and how many can get those?
A trap. It is time. Remember, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What is happening to Black people in DC is contrary to all three.
Harvard's name has become synonymous with collusion to the aristocratic elite
I don't know if my last statement was a fair accusation
Never lived in DC, only been there as a tourist so that doesn't count I suppose. There is at least one black guy that I know of with a degree from Harvard working in DC.
As far as genocide goes, how is aids or income level somehow used to kill off a group of people?
Tokanism won't work here. Facts will. You are short on the latter. I am not.
Your racism is as clear as day. You clearly hate black people and think very little of us. And yet you have deluded others into thinking you're not. Unbelievable and frightening.
Michael Richards - Cosmo Kramer was not so lucky
If I have to explain this to you, it's too late. Both are ways to deny a body what it needs to survive. Right wing racist.
So what you're saying is you don't know how all this is genocide? Was genocide just a word you happened across somewhere that sounded nice?
Time to give it up MsStacy he seems to have nothing beyond vague paranoia and conspiracy nightmares to offer.
Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group." There is no time limit here.
You do not know what you are talking about. Period. A little too much truth for you. Just can't handle it.
Who is systematically killing blacks and how? The fact that people are dying of aids means nothing unless you can show someone is somehow infecting them intentionally. Lot's of people have died of aids, you need to show where it's deliberate.
It isn't too much truth, so far it isn't any truth just fragments of what sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Try to think before you react. I know the truth is hard for you to deal with.
Let's just take one wrong sentence: The fact that people are dying of aids means nothing unless you can show someone is somehow infecting them intentionally.
Uhhhh, wrong. Knee jerk reaction of the racist right....
You don't seem willing to back up your original statement at all. You make a claim of genocide, prove your claim.
No need to back it up here, with you idiots, but since you want justification for my post: Colonialism in Africa helped launch the HIV epidemic a century ago.
Perhaps, in your mind, you can somehow link what European colonists did 100 years ago to a claim of genocide in America today. It would be nice if you could somehow articulate just how any race or ethnic group is being intentionally killed in America today.
You've also come to an incorrect conclusion about the article you link to. At worst you might make a case for aids being an unintentional act involving a disregard for the rights of local people. It wasn't an intentional act made to kill anyone.
Riight. You always point to what some guy did 2,000 years ago as justification for many aspects of your culture, but looking back 100 years ago is too much, huh.
Well I might have to agree with your personal assessment of my with regard to keeping this conversation going. It does seem foolish, you haven't offered any evidence of anything, just random rantings and personal attacks. You have noting to offer in the way of actual evidence so we're done.
I think you are drinking strange brew freak. Get off the strange.
If your race is so weak and helpless in the face of the rest of the world then you deserve to die off. You are owed nothing. Just die.
Riiight. The truth come out at last. So much for American or Christian values, huh. Congrats, nazi.
A fact is what it is, the fact doesn't change to suit our needs and the only difference of any fact is how we interpret and/or perceive that fact.
Who contracts aids, who is poor, who is uneducated, who is homeless, who is raped, who is killed is not dictated by the color of one's skin, eye color, hair color, religion, ethnic heritage, economic status or any thing except personal actions with exceptions such as a blood transfusion. The issue with transfusions has been fixed with the use of plasma.
Simply put, women are at a greater risk than any other segment of the population and since women are required to perpetuate our species it would be suicide to start killing them off and not all women are black.
Pull your head out of your ass and start working with people to fix this country for everybody, including women and black people, instead of working against us that are trying to make this country what it should be.
A country where nobody is marginalized.
A nice sentiment, but totally unrealistic as long as we refuse to recognize the truth: that American or Christian values don't matter as much as money in this country. Always has. Hatred is the order of the day, and I'm just ordering from the menu I've been given. Need proof? Look at the republicans. Have you ever seen a crazier group of major party candidates? Answer truthfully....
Interesting but you aren't really answering any of the people here. Go spew your propaganda somewhere else.
your redefinition of genocide is as offensive to a Jew or Armenian
as a redefinition of rape is to any woman
you are DENIGRATING the AIDS disaster with nothing less than a lie
go read Orwell's 1984
than come back and make a thread relevant to OWS
He/she/it has no idea what you are talking about.
Wrong. Go back and read the definition of genocide. You do not own or control the definition.
No lies here.
Truth hurts.
Definition of GENOCIDE from merriam webster
the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
This relates to ACTION
not inaction
unless you define genocide "inaction" to include everyone who acts to eat a meal - who does NOT also act to feed a starving child somewhere in the world at the same time
Wrong. Moronic. Truth hurts.
I think you take the prize for the least intelligent person who has ever posted here. Big surprise.
No, that would be you. And you also get the prize for the dumbest name....
That's probably because an African American murdered a white person every four days.
Careful now! You are getting dangerously close to the truth!
Riiight. Even if they did, you racist moron, they could never equal the number of blacks murdered by whites.
Riiight... why use only three iii's? I'd say it would look more condescending if you used four iiii's. Riiiight. See what I mean?
Thanks for the bump.
Really? REALLY? Look at this:
This is a stark example of CLASS WARFARE. That is what we are all fighting here. It is the basic fact of "man's" inhumanity to "man."
A lot of people simply can't conceive of the consequences of poverty. It is NOT something induced by personal choices, but by the lack of them.
The lynchings were 42 years ago, how is that class warfare today? As for the income inequality, are you saying it would be better for the African American community if public employee unions negotiated lower salaries? No one is waring against the poor, everyone fights for himself and the poor get left out.
Poverty is not a choice but a social condition which must be erradicated.But I do not see the correlation between poverty and putting a needle in yourself or unprotected sex.People do make choices and the individual who makes bad choices have themselves to blame.Individuals must be accountable for there actions.
You are right, to a degree. The issues are complicated, but mysery and dispair are not ferile ground for making good choices. When you see nothing to live for then your own live comes to seem expendable.
I agree.But financialy poor is not the same as being careless with your wellbeing.Enviorment and age do have a large role to play in our choices.That being said they are still our choices that cause the pain/problems.
That would be true if everyone started out with the same level of advantage, but millions of children starve to death every year, and it is not due to their poor choices. So I think the truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.
Yes it does and I was not laying blame.
Looking through the archives and came across this statement. It is the truth.
Solutions please?
I have done my best, throughout the entire time I have been posting here to be civil, diplomatic and repectful to the opposition, in the hopes that they will in turn be civil, and engage us in an honest dialogue.
Those two simple words, "Sulutions please" thrown out with such sneering contempt, clearly reveal all the hostility to human bettermen, all the resistance to positive and civilized discourse (which is at the the root of the democratic process) that it makes me finally lose patience.
And so I will tell you what the solution is:
The Republican Party, for generations now, has thrust its contempt for this countries institutions in everyones face with increasing audacity, all the while wrapping itself in the flag with a nausiating display of false patriotism. The "Tea Party" Republicans, the very creation of those "mavericks" Republicans, who claim a stake in this populist uprising, are even more contemptuous and anti-American then all who have come before them. Their anti-Americanism is recognized, and it is recognised by more and more true patriots in this nation every day that goes by.
And so I'll tell you the solution. The solution is that you get out of the way because in the end you will have to get out of the way. The American people, in their clearer and clearer understanding of the real situation, as they shake off the conditioning of propoganda, are rising against you in riteous indignation. The solution is that you get out of the way, because in the end you will have to get out of the way, one way or the other.
just as I suspected - just a lot of hot air.
You are deluded and know not of what you speak.
And there are far more dying in Africa where there are no whites to blame. Looks like a trend on a graph if you ask me. Whites would be blamed for bringing blacks here and many are successful and blamed because they are still in Africa dying at a far greater rate than here. Whites cant win for their actions. NEVER win.
Were you aware that US pharma have their greedy hands all over Africa, and in one publized case set up a clinic to test vaccines on the population there unbeknown to the population. Big pharma has a real big interest in creating medicines that are big on hype and very short on efficacy. Jesus, just look at their ridiculous commercials on TV, their drugs have more side effects than remedy.
You brought up a GREAT point that I have tried to draw attention to for a few years. Here is MY suggestion. There are a lot of very very rich liberals (George Soros, most of the democrats in congress) that with pocket change, start a new pharma. They could develop any drugs they want to. Then, they could give the drugs away to the poor. I would support legislation to allow this,,,, HEY WAIT,,, there is no need for legislation,,,, tomorrow,,, they could just DO IT. There you go. Problems solved for the world by liberals. I will wait for the press conference tomorrow. What time is that press conference mvjobless?
Troll. Asshole.
Post seems nonsensical, not sure where you're going with it. Conflict of interest prevents liberals in congress from starting a new pharma.
Not affliated with any party. The FDA needs an overhaul. The drug companies are criminals, just like the bankers and for that matter any of the hundreds of corporations who are destroying this country. Oh yeh, the impotent politicians too.
Forget,,,, congress,,,, you missed the rich liberal part. Liberals hate big pharma. I suggest liberals put their money into creating a new drug R&D and create drugs that can be given away for free. We would then never ever have to hear about how bad big pharma is again. Just do it.
Sounds like you're suggesting Universal Health Care. That works. Medical care and pharma for that matter should not be profit driven, it is unethical. And let's not leave out the insurance companies who also profit off health insurance, another bunch of blood sucking degenerates.
And if the FDA were seriously taken apart, people would see how ineffectual they actually are and dangerous in some ways, approving products that are know to be toxic to people. They don't care; as long as they can keep the revenues flowing to the government. People better start waking up and realizing that our government does not have the best interest of the people at heart.
I'm laughing so hard my ribs hurt. Universal Health Care,,,,,, now THAT is funny. No,,,, let the loudmouth rich liberals pay for it. If you think big pharma is too big,,,, start your own. If you think big insurance is too big,,, start your own.
Hmm, you must be a right wing republican. Good luck with your great ideas and by all means "start your own" whatever it is you do and see just how far you get with that. And when you finally figure out you've been screwed, go get an education on the history of this country.
You know what if funny?????? YOU PEOPLE dont even know when you step in it. I will start with your last statement. You say that people that disagree with you need an education. I guess that speaks volumes about the failed liberal education system. How was that back in your face? And, I have started several a couple of companies and now find that it is easier for me to invest my money where I can get a much better return. I buy and sell stocks during the day. I wont use the liberal comment, "I bet I make more than you do,,,,," statement,, ,but I wont need Social Security to live on but I WILL TAKE it so there will be less for YOU. I dont need luck.
You are right. But the Black Nationalists blame Africa's woes on whites anyway.
Wrong. What a moron...
Wrong. Whites are to blame there, too. Our greed is boundless, our appetite for destruction endless.
Speak for yourself. I'm white. I'm not greedy and I have no appetite for destruction.
You may be ok. Millions are not.
You've got a weird way of thinking dude. Are you taking your meds? Are you seeing your shrink? Do you feel safe in your home? Is someone trying to hurt you? Have you checked your water source? You're not taking illegal drugs, you know, self medicating?
If they were dying off over 300 years ago and dying off today, due to whites then it appears like blacks are and will never be capable of thinking or doing for themselves? They have no desire after 300 years to be better? There is nowhere, including their homeland where they are capable of getting better? Sounds like dying off would be in their best interest. I wouldnt want that but being the worse of the worse for 300 year plus would indicate they need to die off to achieve peace.
Wrong. Racist and idiotic. Everything was fine before the white man showed up....
But the white man has left the inner cities to let the blacks have it. So you hated it when whites came and then you hate the whites for leaving. Geezzz. Cant win. What responsibility do blacks have in this big mess? Just sit back another 300 years? Pretty soon America will be taken over by the browns from Mexico. I guess the blacks will fall even below the browns? How sad. They need to do something.
" our"? Who is "our"?
U no who
Speak for yourself ass brain.
Ooohhh. Good one!
Please keep commenting. The world needs to understand just how racist the american public is.
The world is reading this forum.
Exactly how is the white mans fault that a lot of black people are dying from aids? It is always the white mans fault.
I am not sure if the word "genocide" would be sufficient to elaborate the deaths caused by HIV... But the guy clearly points out how the area around DC is quite polluted. It is sadly ironic that the neighborhood surrounding the nation's capital is neglected.
That's like saying then area near a haemophiliac cluster is "polluted." Racist and stupid.
It looks like there's a "legal lynching" of three Black Occupy activists taking place right now.
an institution using fear to suppress it's people
I concur....
It's freedom...Freedom to rape and enslave...Welcome to AmeriKa!
Wow. What a, are you watching?
Only four a day?
You would like more?
From 1800 to 1880 four European decent (white) Men were hanged each day in the U.S A Fact of life in another age.So other than that old racial BS you like to slop around what is your point son?
Wrong. You are clearly an idiot. Probably below the age of eighteen.
Go back to school, moron.
Sounds like free choice to me.
Why,I would think that unprotected sex or shared needles would be a choice.Just as I know the dangers of having a smoke.My choice My problem .
Of course you would. You are some white supremacist in montana. What else would you think...
What makes you think that I am white or supremacist.Oh wait a minute I do not agree with your mentality therefore I must be a white supremacist.Your logic is as invalid as your point.Stop trying to lay blame for an individuals sorry ass choice.
Wrong again. If I have to explain it to you, well, then you just don't get it.
You can't explain it. you are all about blame .You are a race baiting fool who is only about division.No different than the mind set of Nazi Germans who had to have a scape Goat in order to justify there weakness.
No. I simply see things as they truly are.
You, for a variety of selfish reasons, do not.
Are you capable to responding to what is said to you? Are can you only regurgitate black nationalist propaganda?
Let me get this straight. I am to respond to a group of people so incapacitated that they simply do not see and cannot acknowledge the truth....even when they see it. For what purpose? To what end? Thank you, thanks.
Okay. Then you aren't capable . So why are you still here? Perhaps you would find a more sympathetic bunch on the New Black Panthers site. Or anyone of a number of black nationalist sites.
What I am capable of is seeing thru you.
Again, thanks, but no thanks....
But why not go to those nationalist sites. That's all you've been spouting on this thread. And you see through nothing.
OK. See you.
Just kidding....
I get that you need a scape goat because of your lack of vision.Hate to breake the sad news to you but the world does not owe you a living.Stop making excusses and blaming people you do not know for your failures and bad choices.And stop your race baiting it serves no purpose but division.
The world owes no one a living.
This country, on the other hand, owes all a chance to live by the creed established in the constitution and bill of rights.
Kinda hard to do that if your government is killing you......
Lack of vision...riiight. Owe me a living...riiight. Racism causing division. You are right, but with the wrong viewpoint. More racist responses. Excuses to continue hating, to continue the destruction.
Nice coin flip I smell a Rat (cop)
You should. You are the rat.
This coming from a Nazi Cop? Must be a Crack Pot Cop.
Ooohhh. Funny....
Wrong, again. Keep trying, tho.....
I wouldn't state HIV/Aids as being perpetrated on just people of color, it has had a great impact on many individuals and has not been confined to any particular race, creed, color, or gender. Yet, I will state there has been a problem in this county with the inequality and murder of people of color, of whom there are many, in this country. Yet, we fail to understand who created this system, why, and for whom.. Now, once people of color understand that...perhaps we can move to the next level of understanding "The Nation, within a Nation" that have been set forth!
Close to the truth, but not quite.
Do not be afraid. Take the next step.
I have an old copy of LIFE magazine about MLK Jr. and there is the creepiest photo in there of this little southern belle with a flat top hat and ribbon, and she is just beaming with glee, clasping her hands as this poor black man dangles lifeless hung from a tree... I can't even imagine that used to be a source of entertainment...
It is the attitude and hatred that survives to this day....
This has to be the most bullshit, idiotic thread I have ever seen on this site.
This is interesting, reminds me a bit of how the government looked the other way when all the black folks in New Orleans were drowing in Hurrican Katrina.
My husband and I were talking about the fact that the African American community was doing better before Reagan came into power. Its also interesting that AIDs came on the scene at the same time.
I'll bet that the powers that be would love to scoop up all the real estate surrounding DC and so one way to do that is totally abandon it, service wise, and then hope people will die off or move away. There is historical precedent for this, just look at what the US government did to the Native Americans.
Please consider ( about black folks & katrina ) -
This was the bush admin & Rs
The same family of rednecks that beat the freedom riders
I hate to say this but its not "bigotry" against blacks the way most human beings would see it - Look at the Rs who hate mitt almost as much as they hate BHO
it is not color - this, really, is the same -
It may not be exclusively color but it is certainly a big part of the stew. Liberalism is almost always equated with fighting for the rights of minorities, black, brown, yellow, etc.. Believe it or not, Romney is not believed to be a conservative these days based on some of the more liberal positions he's been known for in the past, and nobody trusts him. There still is a very serious problem in this country with racism and I have experienced it first hand.
PLEASE - racisism is RAMPANT
I do not mean to imply otherwise
I just see the core of it is not simply color - it is ANY OTHER
the KKK for example, murdered hundreds of blacks - but hates Jews, foreigners - ANYONE who is OTHER
going back to our friend willard-
polls of voters showed a reluctance by "christians" to vote for ANY Mormon
It's true, it really is about any other, but among all the minorities I have to say the blacks have gotten the worst deal of all the minorities, at least here in the states. Recently I caught a book program, Slavery By Another Name, author is Blackmon, it is an interesting history of slavery in this country and how it still exists today for the black man.
Mormons, what can I say? Don't have any religious affliation, however I have an aversion to religious zealots and religious states.
Put your ass in the air, liberal asshole!
Slavery By Another Name- was on WNET public tv TODAY!
Great! Everybody needs to read this book or at least listen to the author on a book review show, glad to hear it's still on tv.
Finally, an acknowledgement of the truth.....
I saw several programs celebrating black history month which are broadcast on PBS. They were so inspirational that I will be watching the next one for sure.
On the question of genocide, all you naysayers might just take a look at the Georgia Guidestones.
And then what? Throw more money at them? Promote more undeserving people in employment? Deny the fact that black men rape white women in the thousand and whites are too afraid to say anything?
Your comment makes no sense perhaps you should watch black history month programming. You might be amazed.
I'm well aware of the propaganda.
It is definitely genocide. The Blacks are killing themselves.
Wrong, you racist moron.
Needles and drugs and guns... needles and drugs and guns... needles and drugs and guns... you ARE killing each other; stop blaming other people.
Who invented and makes guns? Who imports the drugs?
Racist moron. Wake up...
I believe it was the Chinese who invented guns and it's primarily the blacks and hispanics who are importing the drugs.
Are you black?
Wrong. Faulty stats that ignore the real reason, but a good post nonetheless. As far as Truth goes, what happened to Christian compassion and service?
Here is what is too truthful for you. You PRETEND to be Christians. You certainly don't act like it...
i am definately not a christian though i follow jesus christ teachings, just as i am definately not american though i was born and raised here.
No, this is not genocide. Poor people have generally worst health than well-off people, but we don't say rich people are comitting genocide against poor people either. Hyperbole does not do any good, it just makes it easier to discredit issues that, while they are not monstrous large-scale evils, are very serious as extremist views.
The higher occurence of HIV in the black population is a problem, but it is the result of the remaining social and economic segregation in our society. We don't need every problem to be A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY MOST FOUL! to oppose them and try to solve them. Still, raising the issue is good.
Good points to raise. It is the social and economic segregation in our society that is the key. This is, in this day and age, equivalent to genocide. I respect your opinion about alarmism, but there is no question that we have been too quiet over the Bush/Clinton/bush years.
Need proof? Just look at where we are now.
I agree, we have been to quiet. But I think this is in part because those who did speak have made it too easy to be painted as extremists and radical. The problem of modern media isn't that it does not yell loud enough about problems, it's that it continually jumps from problem to problem. We need to speak more persistently not louder, is what I'm saying.
OWS is great because from day one that's been it's approach. Don't just yell, don't just be cathartic. Be serious, be persistent, stay there.
About this, we have been silent, frightened.
The problem is not that it is easy to be painted as extremists and radical. The problem is we let the racist right paint us as extremists and radical when that is not true. They are the radicals, and have been wrong about everything (natives, blacks, women), and we let them get away with it.
No more.
No more? Now what will you do? Give more money to the DncZ. Whine louder?
What would you suggest?
Put up or shut up. Take power and suppress the Right. You be pleasantly surprised how many around here would agree.
Sad statistic, very much, but genocide means that someone is trying to kill you (i'm talking about the HIV/AIDS). That is self induced.
Wrong. It is an illness, like the flu, cancer, or a cold. Intentional Neglect is the form of genocide genocide would be noticed...
i don't think that anyone is being intentionally negligent. The U.S. sent billions to Africa to fight AIDs. it is a preventable disease, easier to prevent than the flu, a cold, or cancer. if you don't know how i suggest that you use the internet for something more useful than this blog.
Sorry, you've oversimplified that way too much. While aids is certainly a virus, you have to actively do something to get it, it isn't transmitted easily through the air like the flu. Unless someone is running around intentionally injecting black people to give them aids this genocide idea is a paranoid fantasy.
Actually, for those interested, there was an expose' done by an exCIA agent several years ago discussing the fact that the CIA implemented a vaccine program under the cover of hepatitis C innoculation in the late 70's early 80's in a gay San Franciso community where they were in fact infecting gay's with aids.
Interesting, better if he has any documentation for it, but I was more interested in what the guy that started this thread thinks genocide is.
Well, I believe a book was written about it. As far as genocide, the AID's thing if you follow it kills off alot of people in Africa which makes it smell alot like genocide.
Only if it's somehow deliberate. You might make a case that ignoring the problem, when the drugs were only marginally successful and wildly expensive, was some form of letting people die. Still you need to actually do something to get aids and no one had a program to deliberately infect and kill those in Africa.
The thread started by claiming Washington DC blacks are the ones being killed intentionally. I'd like at least some indication he has proof and not just paranoid ramblings of some imaginary conspiracy.
One person's standard of proof usually isn't shared with another.
I have been to the ghetto's of DC and it is really bad there. I was really shocked at the degradation as we drove through on our way to the Lincoln memorial. It reminded me of how the Bronx was abandoned in the 60's and 70's as I was growing up in Brooklyn, and it just turned into a wasteland. For the poor who were living there, they were stuck, having no means to move away. This then sets up a situation where people will die off.
Indifference and lack of compassion, even refusing to spend time and money to help people may be morally wrong, but it's a far cry from genocide. We acknowledge degrees of murder. Genocide is first degree, premeditated, malice, and forethought take direct action to kill them dead.
The wrongs you see, and I agree they are wrongs, are what? Depraved indifference maybe and fortunately death isn't always the outcome. His accusation seems over blown.
Wish you were right. you are not. What you are is some pseudo-christian who thinks that aids is a plague from god.
I'm not religious at all. You say it's genocide, how is aids in any ethnic group evidence that there is some plan to kill them off?
The flu you can get from breathing the same air as an infected person. Aids you need to exchange fluids, through sex, shared needles, something. It's someone killing black people how?
So we have to take care of your race even more than we already do?
and they said it was the mormons that hated the blacks not giving them the priesthood. well dont worry they are getting their revenge, the majority of violent criminal offenses housed in our jails are not the majority in this country the whites, they arent even the mexicans. they are a minority of people who are 13% of us by population. Can you guess who?
And your point is??? The Justice system is not fair. It often does not put guilty people in jail.
The real criminals are the ones who stole the very land you sit on. Can you guess who???
Well we can't even get churches to use the only method known to stop STDS (condoms) they just continue to bash the president for wanting contraception covered by health you realize how expensive a box of condoms are...Talk about corporations ripping people off it costs 5 cents to manufacture one condom...I saw a box for $14 the other day...a box o flatex gloves was $2. don't think price matters in behavior, take a look at what happens when cigarett prices go up people stop smoking..when condom prices are too high people stop using them too.
churches are not people. the catholic church doctrine is abstinance. No sex, no disease. if you're a catholic and and want to use a condom, go right ahead. you won't go to hell. accept jesus as your savior and the church will accept you. by the way, cig sales are down where cig taxes are up. people go to other states with low cig taxes to buy them.
That's over 5000 lynchings; are you sure about this?
You know why there is such a large income disparity? Its because close to every minimum wage job and jobs paying in this area are held by black people while at the same time all of the high paying jobs come from white guys who normally didn't come from the district to begin with.
wrong. racist and bigoted. a sorry excuse, but typical white teenage thinking....just like columbine.
How about bringing yourself up to "current day" events. Tell me who was lynched within the past four days.
I don't know about you but I don't plan on getting HIV/AIDS anytime soon unless I "pork" some guy in the rear, or have unprotected sex with some hooker or maybe get a BJ from some woman I don't know.
Yah, I know there are other ways of getting it and there are reasons for that happening too that could be prevented.
All good points, but ignores the main issue here.
What is the main issue - blaming the whites because of this? I don't think so.
This is a defensive (and quite ignorant) response. Here is the point: The clearest example yet of how this government does not work for the people.
Try to keep up.
There are many, many, many more examples then this as to why the government doesn't work. Why should this be the only one pointed out?
Sounds like someone is trying to make it sound "racist"
If I have to explain it to you, well,....You are a moron and a racist who just can't take the truth.
I can't believe you people are still responding to this whining idiot.
Wonder what the body count is for babies that were aborted between 1973 and 2012? Kind of like a lynching but in the back of the neck.
Right, because the government is forcing African-Americans to have unprotected sex with random's an elaborate conspiracy meant to kill off minorities through the exploitation of the opiate known as unprotected sexual intercourse...
Seems legit.
Ignorant. Selfish and shortsighted.
Number of blacks killed by lynching in the U.S. between 1864 and 1968: 4,946 (47.7 per year). Number of black babies killed by abortion between 1973 and 2011: 17,653,000 (currently 470,000 per year) Ratio of black babies killed by abortion to blacks killed by lynching: 3,569 to 1.
Like the lynching or the abortion stats are real. Yeah, people report accurate stats on the subjects.
Try some other made up numbers, please.....
You cannot run or hide, or laugh this off:
This is the 21st Century. You and they need to act like they understand that. Nobody should dwell on the past. Find your own solutions or get out of the way and cry on your own time because we dont care.
Except you want to dwell on the past to justify reverting to the original constitution....or to pretend to follow a guy who lived 2,000 years ago.
We will dwell on the past when it suits us. Funny how that works.
Jesus lives today. You can take a poll of the BILLIONS of people around the world that agree with ME.
Again with another completely divisive post.
This is another deliberate attempt at sowing distraction and an attack on finding unity and common cause.
Spend your time digging holes if you want just do not expect a lot of company while you do it.
Actually, the most dangerous place in America for an African American is:
A society so racist, so bigoted that parents are aborting children before they are born.
What percentage of women do you expect abort their children because they would rather that they die than be born into a racist society?
I agree. So why don't they leave? Hell, they can even take there mudsharks with them if they want to. Go back to the Motherland and find paradise!
The black nationalists have no response. Big surprise. Gimmee gimmeee whitey! And white liberals are happy to do it.
In 2007 448,000 African American children died in US abortion corporations (yes they are all corporations). That is a rate of 48.2 per 1000. The rate for white children was 13.8 per 1000 .
Pro-life or pro-choice you must be ashamed of that statistic.
And how many blacks are killed by blacks each day? The black community is killing off more of their own kind than the racists or diseases ever did.
Somehow that is the fault of whites too. Apperently this "person" is saying that blacks are so stupid that they can't control themselves or effect real change. Pitiful.
What is pitiful is your complete lack of compassion or an understanding of and respect for history.
What is pitiful is your total belief in black nationalist propaganda. And I bet I am better informed in history than you.
What is pitiful is your total belief in the right wing propaganda. What about this? and
Now, these people hate america. Posing with the flag of a group that killed 500,000 americans.
Remember, the world is reading this Forum.
Not true. Cancer, HIV, Diabetes, Strokes kill many more people. Your are clearly a racist, anti christian (remember do unto others...) and a troll...get your facts straight...Even the Blacks that are are doing so on behalf of whites. Your point is????
Very good point. So the point is they are NOT dying because of racists. Good, very glad we got that straight.
Wrong. They are dying because of a group of racists, operating in a racist system, a system designed to benefit one group only.
You clearly said above after TheMisfit said they were dying due to blacks killing blacks and you replied they were dying of the same issues whites die from, Cancer, HIV, Diabetes and Strokes. If whites die of those same diseases then how can it be racist? You need to make up your mind.
They are dying due to both, but the AIDS epidemic is intentional and deliberate.
100 years from now, there will be an apology and no black people in many Natives still live in Manhattan?
Won't be any apology.
Now you changed your mind again. He said they were killing themselves, you said they were not and then you just posted they are dying due to both health and blacks killing blacks. You dont do a very good job of expaining.
You do not do a very good job of reading...or thinking.
Try again.
Maybe you could pick one and stick with it. 1) They are or not dying from blacks killing blacks. Dont need to worry if they are not killing and we can pull back our police force. 2) They are dying from Strokes, HIV, etc. 3) Dying because of whites. 4) Nothing will help them over 300 years so move on.
Typical teenage white thinking. No christian understanding or empathy. Probably a ron paul/ann rand supporter.
It's Ayn. And why are you not actually addressing the post? Are you too stupid to understand it?
I have empathy. You cant make a dumb dog smart. You cant fix stupid. Etc and etc. People from South Vietnam, China, etc arrive daily from their country to America and start a new restaurant or company. They cant even speak English. From countries with thousands of years of oppression. Blacks may never be able to achieve anything other than a depression on our society. I have empathy but let the dumb dog sleep.
Empathy. Riight. The Viet are running from a system corrupted and wrecked by whom? Right. You are as racist as you are stupid.
People like you need blacks to support your liberal agenda. None of the blacks I know even think about the past because they are finding their successes for the future. You are far more the racist than you actually know.
Jesus, what neighborhood do you live in?
WOW,,, an you have not seen ANY successful blacks????? Interesting. I guess you continue the example that YOU need blacks to support your liberal agenda. To answer you question above about what neighborhood I live in,,,,,, one with blacks that make well over $200,000 a year. If they can make it,,,, why cant you?
Let's see. The land we are on was stolen, the people who owned it murdered. The labor to work the land was stolen, the people who did the work murdered.
Sure, pal. Sure.
If you are so ashamed of the land you are living on, is there something you could do about it,,, maybe move to Europe? What would stop YOU from going back to your homeland? Why are you interested in what I am doing and not in you resolving the injustice you talk about?
Acting on behalf of whites? Are you really that ignorant? The point is, there are problems in the black community that only the black community can help. Until then, stop trying to make everyone else feel guilty for what is a self-induced problem.
The minute a white millionaire breaks a nail, you are on his jock. (You seem to like that sort of thing....)
Funny how you do not contest the facts, you want to talk bullshit. Fuck the stupid shit. Misfit is right...and moron to boot. No reply required...
Oh, you want facts, well they are out there if you have the guts to look. When 13% of the population is responsible for 50% of all murders (almost exclusively black on black), then there is a real problem. It is not racist or anti-anything to point out the facts, but it is ignorance that causes one to ignore the facts and to place blame on others. No progress can be made when many choose to ignore the problem before them.
Globally, the US is the most murderous country in the world, just look at our military and how many millions killed in the name of national interest.
You are still missing the point. Not a single Black person owns a gun factory ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.
Now, THAT is a fact...
Here's one: Xenolith Armory
Thank you. One out of 50,000. Started in 2010. I missed that one.
Irrelevant. Not around for two hundred years...of destruction. Recent addition. Will not be in business let me correct...virtually none of the 50,000 gun factories are owned by Blacks, but they are 1500% more likely to be gun crime victims. One out of 50,000. That's 1/50,000. Virtually NONE. Why is this? Targeted, perhaps? Afraid that Blacks will get guns and do to white people what they have done to Blacks? That would explain the tea party.....
Afraid blacks will get guns and attack whites? You must be a troll. Blacks have access to guns, do own guns and choose to shoot up their own community with them. It doesn't matter who makes guns, it doesn't even matter what class or race owns them; what matters is how people use them. You insinuate all sorts of rieiculous claims, so I call you a troll, if you are not, then you are truly an ignorant hate filled person.
yeah you are right black people are inherently poor because they are too lazy to help themselves... it is purely bad are a sick sick racist a-hole. It couldn't be because of 300 years of slavery followed by black only schools followed by racist public policy followed by people like you not giving a sh*t about your fellow man. No minority is inherently more prone to crime...people end in bad situations because the opportunity that was given to your white parents was denied their black parents and grand parents.
You are exactly right. Whte man needs to walk in a black man's shoes. What people really don't get is that racism is still everywhere in the US.
Why would you suggest any one to take away a black mans shoes and walk in them? Are you suggesting stealing?
Perhaps you race is being phased out by Natural Selection. Black Africa's inability to quit killing and cannabilizing each other, black Americans killing each other, may just be nature. Hell, look at Haiti. Unless whites come and save them they can't rebuild shit. Very little has been rebuilt since the quake.
Natural selection, huh. Thank you. The racists show up. Whites come and save them? Like the germans came to save the jews.
Does not the West give billions every year to various African nations because they can't farm, can't build a working civilisation, can't feed their own people? Are you denying this? C'mon superman......
Natural selection, huh. Thank you. The racists show up. whites come and save them? Like the germans came to save the jews.
1000 Mozambican girls are trafficked to Johannesburg each year and sold as sex slaves or as (unwilling) wives to the Mozambican mine workers.
Trading of children has been reported in modern Nigeria and Benin.[16] The children are kidnapped or purchased for $20 – $70 each by slavers in poorer states, such as Benin and Togo, and sold into slavery in sex dens or as unpaid domestic servants for $350.00 each in wealthier oil-rich states, such as Nigeria and Gabon.
America is not the only devil you fool. HOW MANY STATS DO YOU WANT ME TO COPY AND PASTE?
Leave this country you mindless degenerate. You obviously don't appreciate what you have. Give somebody else some room, go live in Africa, maybe you can afford a couple kids to brainwash with your welfare check.
Riiight. Pointing to someone else's slavery as justification.
You are one sick, racist moron. Tea Party member? Sure.
then talk to me about institutionalized racism...Remember, the world is reading this Forum.
I didn't justify anything. Where did your hatred toward America come from? Was it taught to you by your parents?
I note that you cannot claim the incidents did not happen. Nor can you square them with your so-called american christian values, so you accuse someone of hate.
Shut up your whining and keep your meat whistle wrapped up if you gonna be stickin it in skanks and fags. I'm sure you could play princess better than victim.
Typical. Ignorant. BTW, you have me confused with you father. He played princess better than anyone.
Wrong, my dna was synthesized in a lab.
Wrong. Your dna was synthesized in a restroom.
Who cares? I ain't crying because I stuck myself in some diseased ho or fag. You are the victim crying those tears big as hoss turds.
Typical white racist thinking. Selfish. Short sighted. What about the Constitution? The Bible?
Thou shalt not fornicate like an irresponsible retard
And your point is?
No point, just go screw anything you want, bareback at that.
and EVERY SINGLE DAY, hundreds of blacks are murdered, in cold blood, by fellow blacks. Now please... explain where the REAL problem is for the black community
The real problem is a history of exploitation and racism. See: if you dare....
Truth hurts.... little dumbbell friend....shrieking the JOKE of racism isn't the answer to the black community's problem. Institutional racism is a does not exit
Wrong. Spoken like a true moron. Everyone knows you are wrong. Except you. See:
then talk to me about institutionalized racism...Remember, the world is reading this Forum.
The more people like you post completely untrue statements, the more the world understands what the real problem is in America....and the country had such potential....too bad.
Blacks use racism as an excuse for failure. It doesn't exist in the business world. Then again my little dumbbell wouldn't know that...since you are living in a tent and shitting in buckets
Excuse this:
Truth. Hurts. Racists.
NAME the company practicing institutional racism. NAME IT! asshole. You can't. Quit making excuses looooozer. Get a fucking clue. Managers don't care what fucking color you are. If you do a job well, you're a hero. End of discussion
Right. Sure, pal. That is complete bull. Now, I am supposed to name some company, like Krupp, huh?
OK, how about this: ALL OF THEM.
You're a racist looozer, just looking for excuses for your own failure. Wallow in it asshole