Forum Post: Beta Version Social Network for Occupy Movement and Others!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 6:27 p.m. EST by jbd
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am the founder of a new social network made with the intent of connecting all of the citizens of the world to all the social movements, election campaigns, protests etc of the world, all through one social networking platform. For the beta version that is still in development, I invite all of you to create profiles, spread the word and proliferate the Occupy movement, help me to make this social awareness dream happen and I can help you to occupy wall street!
join and create your profile at
SPAM -- Self promotion. If you want to Occupy Wall Street, come on down.
BTW, in case you hadn't noticed, the internet connects all of the citizens of the world.
this should be pretty cool, check it out its a rare opportunity!
I think it's a great idea. Just don't turn all Zuckerberg on us and I'm on board. I've actually thought someone needed to have a central place for all the various sites for a while now. Good luck.
i agree with gnomunny, only bc it would seem contradictory (though i don't care and commend you for it), but hey if you want to more power to you man. ill check it though
Yeah, I guess I could have been a little clearer on the Zuckerberg comment, but I didn't want it to turn into an anti-Facebook rant. Sorry.
lol. i like facebook its a great medium to connect with people. hes a genius, dont know why i didnt come up with or anybody else.
Personally I hate FB but I will admit it does have a very good purpose. I'm an old-fashioned guy in the sense I'm very protective of my privacy. Once you sign on to FB, you give up your right to any semblance of privacy from then on. Have you read the terms of use closely? Just curious.
i agree with you (but i dont hate it), and that is so true. honestly no bc im usually good about my privacy and putting my business out there. when i rejoined a long time ago i noticed that they had revamped security and changed a lot. i know they record your ip, location, posts, who you search, etc its pretty crazy its becoming more of the whole "big brother" thing, but you always got the bad apples that ruin it for the bunch, or just make it look bad