Forum Post: Best quote for our protest signs!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 10:39 a.m. EST by stonemadeflesh
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions." ~Adolf Hitler
Sounds accurate to me
ONe further point before I leave this thread: The quote above shows not only a misunderstanding of the stark diferences between Nazism/Facism, but also a lack of knowledge of history. The National Socialist Party was, in fact, in existence years before Hitler became involved with it. His involvement, in fact, was directed by his superior officer in the military who ordered him to infiltrate the party and report on its activities. Hitler did so and found that he did, indeed, agree with some of the things being said -- but not the party philosophy.
Ever the opportunist, Hitler saw a chance to be the important person he always thought he was and began working his way up the ladder of the party. Once near the top, he staged a (bloodless) coup and took control, keeping the name as a marketing tool, but almost totally restructuring its platform. Once he had total control, it was no longer a socialist movement, nor was it, strictly speaking, a facist movement. In the same way that the "communism" of Stalin was nowhere near being Marxism but was, instead, Stalinist Sovietism, National Socialism was Hitlerian Nazism. Neither of these political regimes shared even the slightest resemblance to the actual philosophies they claimed to uphold.
It's like calling the United States a democracy. We like to pretend that's what we are, but, it simply isn't true. The government under which we live is actually a representative republic, modelled along the lines of ancient Rome.
" Not Economic Viable " from the Movie 'Falling down' Get the connection!!
Funny how Hitler disbanded all the labor unions ain't it?
Watch this short video. Then tell me about Organized Labor in Germany.
I had no idea
Guess what. Hitler didn't always tell the truth. He wasn't a socialist, he was a fascist. You didn't know that? If you want to use a quote, it is OBVIOUSLY stupid to use one of Hitler's. You don't understand that? Why not quote someone who is a good person? "– "Anyone with eyes open knows that the gangsterism of Wall Street -- financial institutions generally -- has caused severe damage to the people of the United States (and the world)." Noam Chomsky Announces Solidarity With #occupywallstreet Posted Sept. 26, 2011, 6:57 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
How about this quote for a protest sign
America is now a governmental system led by a shadow board of wealthy corporatists, who have almost complete power through the façade of Democracy and the controlling of the message through ownership of all major media. They subtly suppress opposition and criticism; control all industry, commerce, etc. They emphasize an aggressive nationalism, while demonstrating a lack of patriotism through the systematic transference of jobs into the global domain. They protect their interests through the court systems up to the Supreme Court that bases its decisions on what’s best for the board
Excellent summary of how Corporate America is destroying our nation.
It does have kind of a familiar ring or should I say stink.
Stop Naked Short Selling! The Real Problem!
And Clean Up The DTCC!!
One of the major NAZI party program planks was to abolish interest . . . maybe that's why he was demonized. Hitler's original "final solution" to the "Jewish Problem" was to send 'em to Madagascar.
Bullshit Stop this lie. We all know you made this shit up. you must be a spy
Jesus man. don't just call things a lie when you haven't a clue. It draws attention to your ignorance
google it dude
An old lie that people still buy.
If class warfare is marxism, how is corporate welfare not facism?
Since you are out of rational arguments, you have now resorted to comparing us to Adolf Hitler.
Rational arguments...... Hahahaha.
Did anyone make any comparison? The man simply quoted the stated goals of one such would be socialist.
You guys are just mad your little corporate sponsored Tea party didn't work out. Hey I got news for you buddy. Instead of smearing our movement why don't you go and create your own protest movement and see how many people show up... Moron.
Thjank you, deGrene. This is the level of discussion we need, not name-calling.
Marketing BS. Hitler was as much a socialist as Dick Cheney. Hitler was an elitist esso, whose methods (and his propaganda chief Goebbels') seem to be largely adopted by the corporatists after the war.
Look at John Birch Society - they are fascists. I mean literally.
That exact quote is accurately attributed to Adolf Hitler. Don't be a history denier.
I'm replying to your latest post (cause there's no reply link)
I don't understand why you feel that if someone promises one thing, and does something opposite, he discredits the first thing he promised?
Say, I make a great business plan, get an investment, and go spend that investment at the casino, it doesn't discredit my business plan.
Unless your business plan calls for giving you a lot of money without any controls and requires your investors to just trust you.
Sponsors of big government ask for exactly that. Let us tax the hell out of you and we promise we wont be corrupt, but rather we will create a more egalitarian society that takes care of it's poor and it's sick. If the smaller government you had was disgustingly corrupt, what makes you think the bigger more powerful government is going to be any less corrupt. Because they said so? Again, refer to Nazi Germany for a case and point on this.
Big government promoters always blame the failed implementation, but the real problem IS the business plan, and for very obvious reasons.
I am against excessively strong government. But I'm even more against powerful corporations. We are humans. We live for some time, and then we die, all of us. We have to be kinder to each other, more understanding. And neither a sovereign (from its people) government nor short-term-profit-driven greedy corporations tend to that condition. As Milton Friedman said: "I'd rather have many small guys than a few big guys." (Free to choose, ep. 10)
In my mind "socialism", "capitalism" are meaningless brands. Christian right say Jesus advocated profit. He says opposite in the Bible, but they say he did. Even "Jesus" is a meaningless brand now - a word that anyone can use in any context and fill with any content.
I am sorry if I already gave you this link (not on this page at least), but this is what I think is a free country:
Against big government, except.....
Its like saying, I'm against slavery, except.....
We may need to be kinder to each other, but we don't need the government enforcing it. Capitalism, socialism, Christian, and Atheist may all just be brands, but when words don't have meaning, its impossible to carry on a meaningful conversation.
Re: your link from the pro-union site, unions are just another special interest. Government unions represent a small fraction of the US population,yet they benefit disproportionately at the expense of the entire population from their lobbying and threatening the people who employ them. Government agencies are not driven by profitability,but rather by politics, making the charter of unions(prevention of oppression by capitalist greed) inapplicable. Government unions should be made illegal entirely.
I didn't use the word "except".
A profitable library, a profitable subway, a profitable public swimming pool, aha.
Why don't you actually follow that link?
Because I don't use forum posts as a source of information to form opinions. They are dubious at best, and blatant lies at worst. I prefer to read books, periodicals, read news articles by journalists who are held to some kind of standard.
Forum conversations I am a participant in definitely help shape my views, but only through research and the act of participation.
Maybe you didn't read my last post, but as I pointed out, gathering your information from a site called superunion, is like gathering your information from a site called, or You know what they advocate for before you even start to read, so what's the point?
So what? Say one thing and do another. They took the economically weak, replaced with Jews, and made Krupp rich. And each other.
Don't pull history on me.
You know what they say about those who ignore history.
No, I don't. What do they say about those who ignore history?
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Bad for them. Btw, every person is bound to repeat his mistakes, until he figures it out. Each time it comes back harder.
Anyway, what's your point? That Hitler was a socialist? Marketing BS.
PS: I figured what I'm not making clear: I'm not specifying that its HITLER's marketing BS, not today's. He claimed to be a socialist to get support, when in reality he was far right.
Sure it was Hitlers marketing BS. Socialism for the people! Strip the wealthy profiteers of their profits, they are to blame for Germany's sluggish economy. The parallels are uncanny.
Unemployment has been worse in this country, as has the income inequality. Living conditions have been much worse, despite income inequality being much "better".
As Rahm Emanuel said, never let a good crisis go to waste. Rahm-bo and Barack have probably already shot at capitalizing off of our economic crisis, proving themselves to be part of the problem rather than part of the solution. It will be interesting to see who steps in next to create opportunity from this chaos. Perhaps he'll offer socialism. :D
We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions." ~Adolf Hitler
Awesome copy/paste skills, dude.
Now watch this: "I am a capitalist!"
Shit, nothing happened to my bank account :-(
Oh, right. Quote Hitler. Now there's someone that can really help this movement. Why don't you dig up a few quotes from Mao while you're at it.
The thing I hate MOST about liberals is that they refuse to associate with Hitler simply because he was a fascist and an anti-semite. Those qualities were personal flaws, and have nothing to do with his policies on running a government. Liberals just "generalize", and really don't understand how similar their political beliefs are to Hitler's. It's really SAD.
yeah, right. don't hold it against Hitler that he was a fascist and an anti semite. Great qualities for a leader. What's really sad is there are some people out they, like yourself, that buy into it.
You're an idoit, you just contradicted everything I just said.
The flaw in the "leftist" concept is that people believe we should all have the same goals. We should all think alike. That theory does NOT work, and Hitler was proof of that. He came to power under the same ideas that today's liberals want. Once he came into power, he abused it. Obama is no different, only he's not burning Jews. Fortunately for Americans, our constitution protects us from a complete socialistic take over. But, given the opportunity, you know Obama would. He already has side-stepped the Constitution on many occasions with legal loop-holes and lawyer tactics. Obama is a currupt communists. Give me a greedy conservative any day of the week.
Not surprised you would resort to name calling. Typical Tea Party tactic.
My apology, I should never have uttered the word "Ob---"
I am often amazed (amused?) at those who decry socialism and want to compare it to either Nzaism or Stalinism. Here are a couple of facts:
1) Socialism is NOT -- repeat NOT -- communism. This inaccuracy comes from propagandists dedicated to the most conservative form of capitalism and is an outright lie. Under communism, there is no private property -- the state owns everything and decides everything. Under socialism, private property and private enterprise is encouraged. The government is, however, responsible for making sure that the basic needs of every citizen are available -- basic housing; basic nutrition; high-quality medical care; high quality legal representation; high quality education. Note that housing and nutrition are basic -- if you want a Mcmansion -- go out and buy it yourself. If you want filet mignon, it comes out of your pocket -- but everyone has the right to ahve a secure place to live and enough food to sustain a healthy life.
2) As stated above, neither Hitler nor Stail were socialists. The term "Socialism" was applied as a propagandistic marketing label and neither regime ever embraced the true philosophies of socialism. If you want to see a socialistic state, look at the nordic countries -- they've been making it work quite well for many yers.
We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions." ~Adolf Hitler
Here is a better one!:
"Come to the darkside" - Voldemort.