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Forum Post: Bernie Sanders: I Can Beat Hillary Clinton

Posted 9 years ago on May 12, 2015, 7:06 a.m. EST by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Watch this video about Bernie Sanders, people on this site, who are desperately looking for ways to attack Bernie are trolls who have no interest in change, they wish only to build their own power base, to feed their egos.




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[-] 2 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

The Democrats are just as corrupted as the Republicans. If you trace them back far enough you find 100s of thousands of deaths from Vietnam, nuking two cities, jailing the japanese and ordering everyone to hand in their gold, and the KKK.

The two parties are there to preserve the status quo, not to provide a platform on change. To think otherwise is just horribly naive.

You are getting railed from behind like no one's business against your will, and the only words you can mutter is "It would be worse with a Republican!!"

Frustrating but typical.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

To not realize that your efforts put people like W Bush in power is not only naive but stupid.

To not support Bernie fully is to reveal yourself for the 1% loving troll you are.

[-] 2 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 9 years ago

I think we should back Bernie's ideas, and support his positions and leadership, he is a powerful voice, one of the few for the people, we have in power.

One person can not change the trajectory of the nation. We will need many voices to rise together.

So facts, you are on record now as supporting bearnies views as better than hillary, and you will support his viability as a democratic candidate?

[-] 2 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Obama changed the "trajectory of the nation." Not so arguably it's accelerated downhill at a quicker pace. It may reach its pinnacle if he gets his wish of passing the TPP.

You might still believe in Change That We Can Believe In, and that it's different this time. But I think a more appropos slogan would be, Change That You Won't Wanna Believe!

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I'm even giving money to Bernie, so are you on record as supporting Bernie for President?

[-] 0 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 9 years ago

Yes. Back thee guy who,speaks reason. It just makes sense. One can not save us, but the ideaa of Sanders can get good traction with an effective spokesperson, such as himself.

I back sanders, and urge us to develop a strategy here at this site to recruit a momentous number of persons to vote, and get them to participate, even to go to caucus in caucus states, with as many as can show up, and vote in primary election for bernie. We have to start now, in my opinion, to give his ideas the backing of a majority, and a chance to prevail, and save the trajectory of the nation. One can make a difference. Vote. Also lets mount a get out the vote recruitment drive, and develop some plan, to get our voices unified for a brief moment in time is crucial. Imo

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I agree, Bernie has been consistent for forty years, he will not run as independent and help the GOP win, he's not that stupid, I think he can actually win, think about Iowa a caucus state and Vermont a neighboring state, the media can't ignore a winner, giant slayer and it could be game on, Bernie can win.

oh and when he asks Elizabeth Warren to be VP she will say yes and there will be a real debate between the parties we can do this we can do it NOW

[-] 0 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 9 years ago

Yes their ideas can defeat the rethuligans in ideas, and potentially prevail over the monies of the rich. I think most people back his ideas. I hope the working class can see he's their better choice over the rest

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I think he will ask Warren to join his campaign at some point and the naysayers will be proven wrong.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

If only their ideas/stances (Bernie & Elizabeth) can get wide spread dispersal out to the public for full examination and if that public can then take an honest look at the people that they have mistakenly supported because of a blind party loyalty - and see that those they have put in office in the past have been working against their interests - then - they need to recognize people who have been trying to work for them but have failed to get into office because of lack of support from the people. The people must drive the change in government to see a healthy peaceful and prosperous world for ALL. Finding and supporting others who are like Bernie and Elizabeth - while at the same time promoting their fights for the people.

[-] 0 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 9 years ago

It will help if we can rally our destitute neighbors to get to the polls. Befiend the meek and vulnerable, ensure they are registered. Register your neighbors. Then run for office when your district is open for contention. Get experience in the sanders campaign. Seems as good a,goal as any other. I want to hear sanders messages in the mainstream media. Each day

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I will be making calls and knocking doors for Bernie....

[-] 1 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

You are going to get a nice taste of what the libertarians went through with Ron Paul in 2008.

A candidate that makes all the sense in the world according yours- and your party's - views, only to have the media make up stuff and declare them un-electable, artificially drop them in the polls, etc.

RP was packing colleges all over during election season, and they put him at 4% in the polling.

IF Bernie can pack colleges- and I'm not sure about that- it is going to take more than being the obvious choice of the electorate.

I'm not sure what else you can do, but give it a shot.

Just remember: the D/R scheme makes up the rules as they go, and controls the media and polls.

Perception is reality when you are talking about the mass population.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I am not surprised to learn you are a fan of Ron Paul.

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

One person can not change the trajectory of the nation. We will need many voices to rise together.

One person might however - get those many voices to rise together.

Now if only that voice of sanity can open some eyes and spur-on the people to remove the actively evil from office - and damn the super pacs. Prove to the Koch's and the rest - that - NO - money is not speech - or at least not the final say.

[-] 1 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

"One person might however - get those many voices to rise together."

That's beautiful sounding bullshit. Will you be spending the entire day trying to suck the energies from Occupy and put them back in your corrupted party?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (301) from Mineola, NY 3 minutes ago

"One person might however - get those many voices to rise together."

That's beautiful sounding bullshit. Will you be spending the entire day trying to suck the energies from Occupy and put them back in your corrupted party?

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

9th track:

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Bout that base, no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no action We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no action We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base

Yeah it's pretty clear, we ain't for you

But we can shake it, shake it like we're supposed to do

'Cause We got that boom boom that all the 1%'s chase

All the right crap spread in all the right places

We see the citizens groups working that action to take

We know that shit ain't real (believe us)

Come on now, make it stop ( as we like things the way they are)

If you got apathy apathy - just raise it up

'Cause every inch of you is perfect

From the bottom to the top

Yeah, our Koch he told us don't worry about your stance

He says, people they like a little more BS to hold to at night

You know we won't support no publc-figure, speaking truth to all,

So, if that's what's you're into

Then go ahead and move along

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Bout that base, no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no action We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no action We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base

We're bringing doody back

Go ahead and tell them citizens groups hey

No, We're not playing - you stink - you're naive,

We're here to tell you,

Every inch of you is played from from the cradle to the grave

Yeah, our Koch told us don't worry about your stance

He says, people they like a little more BS to hold at night

You know we won't support no publc-figure, speaking truth to all,

So, if that's what's you're into

Then go ahead and move along

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Bout that base, no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no action We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no action We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Bout that base, no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no action We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no action We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base

Because you know we're all about that base, 'Bout that base, no action

We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no action We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base, no action We're all 'bout that base, 'bout that base

  • by ( mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Not surprising...more predictable "disruption" from you. I would bet money that you will not be at the Left Forum promoting Democrats there, unless you want to be laughed at. But I am sure that there will be infiltrators from both corrupted parties amongst us present. 'They', will need a good, albeit false storyline in order to convince us to join the the corrupted parties...again!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (302) from Mineola, NY 2 minutes ago

Not surprising...more predictable "disruption" from you. I would bet money that you will not be at the Left Forum promoting Democrats there, unless you want to be laughed at. But I am sure that there will be infiltrators from both corrupted parties amongst us present. 'They', will need a good, albeit false storyline in order to convince us to join the the corrupted parties...again!

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

10th track:

As We have nothing to back-up our stated positions (opt-out fiction) - We will do our best to throw it back on any who would ask for details of our non-existent action plans.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)

5th track:

We sing our own politi-speak - saying much while saying nothing at all - tossing aspersions and providing no plans - we're the next best thing to the rethuglicans in office - listen to us sing and pay no attention to the fact that we forward nothing - and so we serve the status quo.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)

4th track:

We support the status quo - though you wouldn't know - cause we are so sneaky and say damn it all - with no plan at all to change it at all.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by elf3 (4203) 9 years ago

What if the Bildeberg group recruited him like they did Obama...you know someone to whisper sweet nothings in our ear and then once we are hooked and have our hearts and finances all entangled...pulls the floor out underneath us and says yeah baby good luck making it on your own u can't leave me you have nothing else while he Cheats on u with wallstreet...Yes I was all wet and bothered for progress too...but it failed to manifest. Now I'm older, broker and very fucking jaded....but yes a lot wiser. At least republicans let you know they are going to be bitchslapping you from the start...they don't reel you in with sweet promises and lies dressed in roses; chocolate covered manipulation...no pun intended.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Conspiracy crap is suppose to be banned.

I think your tin foil helmet must be leaking.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Bernie Sanders: I Can Beat Hillary Clinton

Damn Straight!

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Bernie said this weekend that Robert Reich would make a good Sec. of Treasury, I agree.

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

The "herd" is far more easily controlled when it joins the corrupted political parties. And if we did, our chance for systemic change would be put to sleep, forever maybe. Unless they are frightened by the numbers in the backlash that they have incurred, this entrenched, corrupt system will continue.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (302) from Mineola, NY 5 minutes ago

The "herd" is far more easily contolled when it joins the corrupted political parties. And if we did, our chance for systemic change would be put to sleep, forever maybe. Unless they are frightened by the numbers in the backlash that they have incurred, this entrenched, corrupt system will continue.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

4th track:

We support the status quo - though you wouldn't know - cause we are so sneaky and say damn it all - with no plan at all to change it at all.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (302) from Mineola, NY 5 minutes ago

The "herd" is far more easily contolled when it joins the corrupted political parties. And if we did, our chance for systemic change would be put to sleep, forever maybe. Unless they are frightened by the numbers in the backlash that they have incurred, this entrenched, corrupt system will continue.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

4th track:

We support the status quo - though you wouldn't know - cause we are so sneaky and say damn it all - with no plan at all to change it at all.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Edit, it's highlighted now.

Do you think that most of the people who will be attending the Left Forum are "sneaky" too?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (302) from Mineola, NY 0 minutes ago

Do you think that most of the people who will be attending the Left Forum are "sneaky" too?

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

I seriously doubt - that they will be talking about - doing nothing at all.

BTW - nice how you try to run for cover. Like your bringing up the left forum or how you occasionally toss in republican to your disparaging comment.

But Still - You Suck - as all "YOU" ever do is tell people to walk away. So your cover gets blown - by you - all alone ( well not really you also have turdocharger and the cronies spewing the same crap).

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

You're right, I too would guess the people attending the Left Forum will be talking about "plan[s] of action," far more than here. And like Occupy and other grassroot groups, I strongly believe you will rarely hear the words 'Democrats' or 'Republicans' uttered at the LF. That is because that the overwhelming majority of people in our (seemingly not your's tho..) revolution know that both parties are to blame for our continuing demise.

From my observance; And I know that I don't have to tell you that you have made this forum a far less conducive place for talking about... ANYTHING, other than the two party corrupted system, or any kind of "..actions" that good, unselfish people are taking all over the country. Instead you almost consistently try to meld this the legitimate discontent that people have into supporting the Democrat Party... and mock anyone who feels differently. So you should not be surprised when people feel that the far bigger threat on this forum is you and your accomplice's nefarious agenda.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (302) from Mineola, NY 0 minutes ago

You're right, I too would guess the people attending the Left Forum will be talking about "plan[s] of action," far more than here. And like Occupy and other grassroot groups, I strongly believe you will rarely hear the words 'Democrats' or 'Republicans' uttered at the LF. That is because that the overwhelming majority of people in our (seemingly not your's tho..) revolution know that both parties are to blame for our continuing demise.

From my observance; I don't have to tell you that you have made this forum a far less conducive place for talking about... ANYTHING, other than the two paty corrupted system, or any kind of "..actions" that good, unselfish people are taking all over the country. Instead you almost consistently try to meld this the legitimate discontent that people have into the into supporting the Democrat Party... and mock anyone who feels differently. So you should not be surprised when people feel that the far bigger threat on this forum is you and your accomplice's nefarious agenda.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

3rd track:

More specious aspersions - as we have got nothing - nothing - nothing else.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)

4th track:

We support the status quo - though you wouldn't know - cause we are so sneaky and say damn it all - with no plan at all to change it at all. So we say do nothing at all - and - it will all - just get better - just because.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)

5th track:

We sing our own politi-speak - saying much while saying nothing at all - tossing aspersions and providing no plans - we're the next best thing to the rethuglicans in office - listen to us sing and pay no attention to the fact that we forward nothing - and so we serve the status quo.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)

6th track:

On taking legal action - We so stink - that some might think - that we are quietly buying up fertilizer and plumbing supplies - truth of the matter is - we are just about keeping the public from taking action - cause we are all about supporting the status quo.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)

7th track:

You might confuse us as being GOP - because we support them in their attacks on anyone who would speak for the people and would forward actions to take to make the government for the people again. As we are for the staus quo - so fuck ya all who are not 1% supporters.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)
[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Have you redefined "support [of] the status quo," ..in typical neocon fashion..., as to mean, anyone who does not support one of the two corporate owned parties?

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

[-] 0 points by mdonelly (302) from Mineola, NY 0 minutes ago

Have you redefined "support [of] the status quo," ..in typical neocon fashion..., as to mean, anyone who does not support one of the two corporate owned parties?

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

4th track:

We support the status quo - though you wouldn't know - cause we are so sneaky and say damn it all - with no plan at all to change it at all. So we say do nothing at all - and - it will all - just get better - just because.

  • by (mdonelly & turbocharger - harmonizing - the Cronies singing back-up)