Forum Post: Bernie Gets it....Again!
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 6, 2013, 10:03 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
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If only more would actually listen.
"If you want to get rid of ALEC, the Koch brothers, and the over sized political influence of the wealthy, public financing of our elections is the way to do it. The American people are frustrated by a paralyzed Congress, but they don’t seem to understand why Congress is stuck. Members of Congress mouth all sorts of platitudes and cliches about the democracy and the American people at election time, but in our current political system campaign donations matter more than people."
Excellent info. Bernie rules.
Get the money out first.
Then maybe.........We will begin to learn the truth.
here he is fighting against austerity and for the 99%
The soul of America
For greentech
This is just the last few weeks. He is just all kindsa right.
'Six Things You Can't Talk About In Washington' - & from your revealing link about Sen. Bernie Sanders -
'If you want to get rid of ALEC, the Koch brothers, and the over sized political influence of the wealthy, public financing of our elections is the way to do it. The American people are frustrated by a paralyzed Congress, but they don’t seem to understand why Congress is stuck. Members of Congress mouth all sorts of platitudes and cliches about the democracy and the American people at election time, but in our current political system campaign donations matter more than people. Sen. Sanders destroyed the illusion that Congress works for the people. The current Congress works for no one, but their donors. The needs of the people come last in this Congress, and Bernie Sanders was not afraid to tell you why.'
Never Give Up Trying To Expose The Corruption & Venality! Occupy The Real Issues!
I put this link up very late last night. It was buried by who knows who.
If only Bernie had access to as LOUD a pulpit as Glenn Beck, would we still be in this mess?
Then there's things like science, that certain States don't want their people to know about.
Wanna bet I can find a link to ALEC there too?
Don't talk about ALEC and - 'Just don’t talk about jobs. Don’t talk about growth. Don’t talk about budgeting from percentages. Don’t talk about health care. And whatever you do, don’t talk about Europe. After all, we wouldn’t want to learn from experience.' - from - Thanks for your 'SA' link and see -
ALEC is a cancer in American politics and society. Radical Surgery Needed! Never Give Up Exposing The Kochs! Occupy 'Corporate Personhood'. Solidarity With Real People & OWS!
You forgot about not mentioning libe(R)tarians.
You know, the philosophy that actually runs Wallstreet?
Toss in their fealty to profit and their legal obligation to do everything they possible can ( and attempt the impossible too) to increase profit?
Look around and see what it's begat.
Oh yes, don't talk about Libertarians either! So let's see what their private profit and public penury has begotten - - 'In 1983 the poorest 47 percent of America owned $750 billion dollars, $15,000 per family, 2.5 percent of the nation's wealth. In 2009 the poorest 47 percent of America owned ZERO PERCENT of the nation's wealth (their debt exceeds their assets). '
Never Give Up Exposing These Avaricious Bastards! Occupy The Facts! Solidarity.
According to the libe(R)tarian "philosophy" those people chose to be poor.
They've shut up about that around here as of late, but they still believe it wholeheartedly.
'It is anathema to the human heart for one to imagine oneself as being primarily an economic animal whose fate is yoked to the crackpot pragmatist's bottom line-fetish zing mindset of late capitalist feudalism.' from - which isn't an easy read but well worthwhile.
'Libertarianism' is the sad and silly 'pseudo-intellectualisation' of a pathological selfishness, greed, fear and loathing of our fellow citizens. People who purport to follow it, have little or no idea of its roots and are befuddled by a fixation on 'Faux Liberty'.Ayn Rand's sinister influence in the US extends long after her death and has deeply infected the 1%, who actually know very, very little about her but who read a couple of her crazy books and add 2 + 2 to come with '22' - which they ain't sharing with anyone, any time soon!
Never Give Up Exposing The Faux 'Philosophy'! Occupy Solidarity!
Whew. That was beyond the existential. Nice essay though.
The Koch's know all about libe(R)tarian "roots", they were there at it's "modern" foundation and they freely distribute the works of Ms. Rand..
They are the polar opposite of Bernie Sanders.
'Bernie Sanders - The American People Are Angry' - . We need more like Sen. Sanders but can Never Just Rely on politicians! Never Give Up! Occupy The Real Issues! Solidarity.
Bernie and Ralph on what's happening to the USPS.
'The postal service “crisis” is just one more instance of the ongoing pattern of government by lies, hostage-taking and manufactured crises. This is one more assault on a government service.' from -
and - 'Privatization means dismantling government and public assets and turning them over to private companies. It involves “contracting out” or even ending the services that were performed by We, the People (government) to make our lives better. Instead these services are operated for profit, which the citizens (and certainly not the employees) share none of the gains.'
Thanks for the link. Never Give Up Resisting Private Profiteers! Occupy The Public Sphere! Solidarity.
Profiteer the World by any means necessary.
Let no lie go unused, let no life go without paying remittance to that cause.
Drown all Government in bathtubs by/buy any means!
Public penury and private profit is the order of the day and the 99% are being slowly bled dry. See - - "Poverty is expanding. We have nearly fifty million people who are officially poor in this country and another fifty million who are near poor. That's close to a third of the entire population. So there's no way to address challenges that are that enormous without making enormous investments." In the mean time ALEC & the Corporate MSM would much rather ignore and obfuscate the facts and try to blame Americans for their personal plight. The mind truly boggles! We Must Never Give Up! Occupy 99% Solidarity!
Numb U2
The issue is that, to a very significant degree, the Congress of the United States of America is controlled by a handful of extraordinarily wealthy people and corporations, Wall Street being at the top of that list. And unless we address that issue, I fear very much for the middle class. I fear very much for our kids, for low income people and for seniors.
I wonder how many times that he has repeated this.
Look at the permaculture post - the ground un-reclaimed is what the corpoRATions would have the whole of the world resemble - only worse with fossil fuel crap oozing to the surface where they fracked the hell out of the natural barriers. So UN-re-claimable without major continuous ( un-ending? ) decontamination.
"Wall Street being at the top of that list"
I'm not sure how many, but he needs to repeat it so often it ends up on the front page of every news source, every blog and every tweet.
Until people realize how true it is.
Bernie tax plan to get at the 1%'rs sheltered offshore money.
How great is Sen Sanders?
I throw away all my mail
they are statements on how much money I own
repeated ad nauseum
Sign up for some junk mail.
this is a prime example of why we need more socialists instead of corporate financed democrats and republicans, the types that Bernie says have no intention of prioritizing this issue. Look at the 6 billion dollars that went into this last election. And Obama and Romney according to Bernie's words just went business as usual.
How many run won't make a lick of difference until we get the money out.
You can well expect the next election cycle to cost consumers even more than 6 billion and keep in mind that that is just the cost they have to report, so in reality it cost consumers much more than 6 billion.
What are your plans for getting the money out?
It looks to be the only way out of the labyrinth at this place and time.
Bernies tax fairness act.
And whom do you suppose will support this in Congress? A majority?
Not likely. Do you.?
No. Nor any amendment.
Understood. Have a nice day. ;)
And again, Bernie gets it.
I'm thinkin' this isn't a bill written by ALEC, but I may be mistaken.