Forum Post: Bernie Asks: Libe(R)tarians Answer
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 21, 2014, 11:08 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
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You really have to love how they use the usual libe(R)tarian buzz words in their responses to Bernie's questions.
Responses that don't actually provide answers to his questions.
More like they're reading from a script.
DKAtoday @DKAtoday
A senator asks a panel of experts to defend Walmart. It gets awkward. (via @Upworthy) …
What do YOU Think?
Would have been a perfect moment for a declaration of =
WHOOOOO DAYMN Did someone just dump a load of Manure into this Chamber? and show Bernie pinch his nose closed and fan the air with his other hand.
More neck high crap from an educator (?) - check this out:
Next, he should ask the AEI rep. why they also support cutting all those assistance programs that keep Wallyworld afloat.
What was the AEI even doing there, and WHO were they there to supposedly represent?
Why should anyone at all care what the AEI has to say?
what's next?
CATO in Congress?