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Forum Post: Ben & Jerry's shows support for Occupy Wall Street!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:53 a.m. EST by ProudSocialist (6)
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More Free Stuff, Especially For The Children!

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream has answered the clarion call to the barricades!

Known for their free range milk cows who only get milked with the cow's consent, their non-corporate radicalism, redistributing their goods freely via oxen cart (with the ox's consent) instead of using the polluting internal combustion engines that run on BIG OIL and use BIG RUBBER for tires, and packaging their free goods in hand made clay pottery from a third world country instead of tree killing paper tubs...have come to Wall Street For The Children!


Suggestions are pouring in for new flavors to honor our glorious revolutionaries.



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