Forum Post: Before You Sound Off
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 11:28 a.m. EST by afronative
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Bare in mind that the purpose of Occupy Wall St. is to openly express the dissatisfaction of "We the People" with the economic status of the country and the administrative (Congress and Senate) mishandling of the situation. More than an "inexperienced" or "ineffective" President is at fault here. "We the People" know it and should show it. It is our civic duty as Citizens to hold ALL of our Representitives accountable for the mess that presently exists in the Nation. If you are inconvenienced, aggrevated and generally ticked off tell your representives. Paul Revere was told one if by land and two if by sea, Now it's one if by phone and two if by internet. Whatever, just make sure you're saying it out LOUD.
I am a person who agrees with you about the state we are in. However, if we want to fix it we should try to get into these offices ourselves instead of act as the squeaky wheel of America.
Some are meant to do just that and others are meant to be squeaky wheels. There is no shame in the part we play as long as we play it and play it well.
The squeaky wheel is an analogy. As in the squeaky wheel gets the grease. As far as I can tell all of you are steering far away from the proper process of this great countries system.
Well I don't know it's going a lot better than the sixties and seventies when we had body counts.
I hope you aren't ignoring the injuries to the police officers that have been happening
I'm not ignoring the injuries of anyone. Under the best of circumstances unfortunate things happen. OWS has been providing training to participants. that having been said no one knows what they are truly capable of until in the situation. I am sure as much care will be put into re-assigning those that are not at their best under pressure as has been into training how to handle it. After all it does benefit the movement to do so.
Jesus Christ you're all demented. Also, how can you reassign anyone without a leader or any kind of leadership system?
Great comments! At least there's movement towards change. The crux of the matter is the ponzi scheme stock market that feeds big biz, which in turn owns our political system participants. It is milked by the rich for the purpose of getting richer, and supported by the masses and lower classes, who are only getting further in debt. Day by day realizing less buying power of the dollars they have managed to save, which are now put into a system that ONLY supports and values PROFITS, not people or morals, and definately not our country. If we want to cripple the elite, cut off the support to these big businesses, and vote out the puppets like Gingrich that they control! Put your dollars in small banks and matresses! At least you'll have something the next time they decide to short the market to death, and turn your retirement into nothing!
occupy wall street needs a targeted focus on the flaws of capitalism--ONE example-- how is it that once you have paid off your house or farm (in Canada at least) you do not have the right to pass it on to your children without a heavy tax penalty. There are no squatters rights around the world because land is being appropriated by any means and one result is that we are kept in a perpetual cycle of debt obligation with the BASIC RIGHT TO SHELTER being the price we pay just to keep consumerism going and disallowing people to live off the land, forcing them into an economic cycle with no end. This is not any different than indentured servitude. What would happen if 'we the people' had a bank and part of the profit went into medicare? What if we change the way we view real estate and legislate it. Capitalism is a good system we just need to make it work for everyone. I believe with more dialogue real solutions will follow so there's my two cents.
You make a good point obviously but in my opinion to take the stand as many with varied issues gathering as one in various areas is a much stronger symbol of discontent. What we/they need is an agenda that is specific to the administrative failures (cause) as oppose to the issues (effect) then presented by a single speaker flanked by people representing the 99%.
ok. First, that tax problem does not exist in the US, and in fact can be avoided in Canada, so it's not a valid issue. Second, there are squatters rights all over the world. Third, a part of every bank's profit goes into Medicare through the corporate taxes it pays. Capitalism is no better or worse than any other system, except to the extent that it allows greedy people with no conscience to exploit the workers of the world and then use their profits to buy politicians who then prevent government from redressing grievances that would limit their profits. Economic systems to the left have their own flaws, but are seldom prone to the kind of manipulations inherent in capitalism. Property is theft. Why should a renter pay the mortgage for a landlord? Why shouldn't any renter get an interest in the property in return for her rent? There's a counter suggestion for you.
All of that is part of what needs to be addressed and has not. The point we need to keep our eye on now is getting the point across that our tax money pays for over 500 representitves to move the business of running the country forward and clean up all these issues. Not to play politics that cost us "We the People". This is our home and Corporations place of business. Business should have a say in all fairness but WE THE PEOPLE need to be respected as not just owners but as consumers, employees and citizens.
The entire Occupy movement should come down to DC and camp in Anacostia Park, site of the original Bonus March Encampment in 1932. Do what the Bonus Marchers did. Set up a clean, formal encampment. I'm sure there are enough sponsors who will pay for potties and showers.
Then, every day, all those at the encampment should get up at 6:30 a.m. and march down Maryland Avenue to the Capitol and spend the day visiting their Senators and Representatives. Every day until they get something done, like a nationwide Section 8 subsidy program so that everyone pays 1/3 of their monthly income for housing.
Let's get organized, Fellow Workers!
If they want interest in a property, they can buy their own. When they've saved their down payment and are willing to be liable for their property, THEN they can have interest in a piece of property.
If any of my tenants told me they wanted a piece of interest in the property that I saved for, that I renovated with my own two hands, and that I am paying taxes, insurance, and holding liability for; I'd put a .22 between their eyes to ensure their stupidity did not taint the world any longer.
lol, Seig Heil!
you take their money though, and pay your mortgage with it. So you are profiting from your exploitation of your tenants. And then you come on here and tell us you're ready to murder them if they were to suggest a partnership with you that would be the equivalent of "rent with an option to buy", which is a traditional American practice?
YOU are the enemy!
I don't want to sell my property. It's my property. I own it. I worked for it, I worked ON it, bear the burden of maintaining it. They have NO skin in that property. No one forced them to sign a lease with me. They don't have rights to squat.
If that is how you feel imagine what Native Americans must think about it.
In that case according to YOU the Native American Nations should rise up and come throw YOU out. Greed and selfishness brought us to these ends. Stop it.
I think if they were numerous enough they would be able to make a case. But regardless, the here and now states that the fruits of my labor are my own.
It's not what's yours that is of issue. The mismanagement of the country that has created and maintained an unequatible distribution bringing us to this end that is of issue.
I don't like that word "distribution". Either everyone pays for the share of services they use, or they don't. The poor get so many rebates, credits, and welfare that they get to live in this country, use it's infrastructure, and live in its safety for free! What kind of BS is that?
Actually the poor do not receive all we are lead to believe. As we will continue to learn (from more and more of us going under) what the poor are supposed to get and what they are really able to realize in actual assistance is two very different things. Access to funding is severely restricted especially for citizens US born. What can be realized is akin to sabotage. You can get training in office skills to work but face a guantlet of penalties for getting or trying to get the job. Such as, if you are trained in an industry that is now failing, you face a commitment to owing in most cases 3x's as much or more for assistance received then normal. Not to mention that as if you don't feel bad enough that you are in this situation in the first place one must deal with public assistance agencies, public transportation even people standing behind you in line at the store make negative judgements about the fact that you are in need of assistance and treat you disrespectfully as if you are content in this way of life.
The entire Occupy movement should come down to DC and camp in Anacostia Park, site of the original Bonus March Encampment in 1932. Do what the Bonus Marchers did. Set up a clean, formal encampment. I'm sure there are enough sponsors who will pay for potties and showers.
Then, every day, all those at the encampment should get up at 6:30 a.m. and march down Maryland Avenue to the Capitol and spend the day visiting their Senators and Representatives. Every day until they get something done, like a nationwide Section 8 subsidy program so that everyone pays 1/3 of their monthly income for housing.
Let's get organized, Fellow Workers!
That is exactly what was attempted in spite of the fact that the City while claiming to support the right to assemble ect. never brought so much as a port-a-potty to Zucotti park. This is NY if it was anything like it was proported to be you would have had more than One restuarant owner and One tenant in a mask on record raising hell. Much less complaints were lodged by those that really live and work in that area. This is a very embarrasing moment for our Representitves. We have people all over the world embracing our example and they have allowed themselves (via personal greed or incompetency) to end up in hot water with us too.