Forum Post: Beautiful Chaos
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 8:55 a.m. EST by pissedoffconstructionworker
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I have never seen anything like this OWS movement.
Down in the park, no one is in charge. There's no hierarchy. It's a seething hive of intense, bottom up, anything goes activity.
Anyone with an idea or something to say can be heard, be responded to, strike a spark.
The sense of possibility is intoxicating. I have seen with my own eyes politicians and high union officials wandering about as if in a daze. People used to giving orders realizing that they aren't running this show. The people are in the driver's seat.
I don't know if the early days of the Tea Party were like this. Maybe, maybe not.
Treasure it while it lasts, folks. Something like this comes around once in a lifetime.
I guess technically it's a twice in a lifetime sense the tea party occured as well, right? But we get your point.
I wasn't there for the early days of the TP and I've heard conflicting accounts.
Some say it was really grassroots before it got hijacked by the Dick Armeys of the world, and maybe it was.
I'm thrilled to learn this. But what are you doing about it? Something must be done: organize a 'CLOSE YOUR BofA ACCOUNT' day this Thursday -peacefully, dismount the system one account at a time. It's an idea.