Forum Post: Be sure to spread this far and wide
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 14, 2012, 10:16 a.m. EST by Kman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Financial Tyranny
This article was just released on Jan. 13, 2012. Forward this to as many people as you can!
" ... as difficult as it was to lift the veil of secrecy at the Fed, it will be even harder to reform the Fed so that it serves the needs of all Americans, and not just Wall Street. But, that is exactly what we have to do." - Bernie Sanders
This is the conspiracy fact that brings all the conspiracy theories together as one.
A DIRECT CONNECTION TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE (follow the link at the top to read more)
... To review, 80 percent of the world’s profits are being earned by a ‘core’ group of 1,318 corporations.
As we look even deeper, we find this ‘core’ is mostly run by a “super-entity” of 147 companies that are totally interlocked. 75 percent of them are financial institutions.
The top 20 companies in the “super-entity” include Barclays Bank, JP Morgan Chase & Co., Merrill Lynch, UBS, Bank of New York, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs.
Many key Federal Reserve personnel work for these companies – and they secretly handed themselves trillions of dollars in free money between 2007 and 2010.
The 147-part “super-entity” has controlling interest in the 1318-part “core”, which in turn has controlling interest in 80 percent of the world’s wealth.
It would be utterly essential for the Federal Reserve corporations, and their beneficiaries, to be heavily invested into oil and pharmaceuticals in order to earn such a tremendous percentage.
Is there any proof that the Federal Reserve elites are, indeed, invested in these and other top businesses? Absolutely.
Let’s now do some historical research on the top two Federal Reserve names we always read about – the Rockefellers and Rothschilds – and see what we find.
That website is built like shit. 3 minutes and it hasn't loaded. Chrome keeps opting me to kill the page. it just now loaded. I hope it isn't your site, if so, fire your designer.
I know. He needs to re-build his website. Just be patient and continue to hit "wait" until the full document loads. It takes a few minutes for the page to completely load.
The directors and board members of the 12 Federal Reserve banks are also running the top financial institutions. They just printed 26 trillion dollars of American money and gave it to themselves.
There’s nothing “natural” about this at all.