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Forum Post: Be non-violent and occupy high moral ground in this Resistance

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 7:47 a.m. EST by shreepal (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This public Resistance against immoral corporate greed is perfectly justified. If we are able to declare publicly that the Resistance shall be non-violent and adhere to this determination in all trying circumstances, we shall occupy a very high moral ground against an apparanet immorality and our ranks will swell throughout the world; it would almost guarantee our success. Evil cannot stand against virtue in an open fight, when this fight becomes global. But this non-violence should not be an artificial non-violence of a timid; it should come from within one's heart with full understanding of its spiritual strength. This is the only remedy of the ills of our violence-ridden world today. Read more: http://indianpeoplescongress.org/index.php



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