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Forum Post: Be FOR something instead of AGAINST everything

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 2:36 p.m. EST by mrbill0626 (33)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You know you people seem to be against a lot of things and I think “big money” is just one of them. I could be wrong but think you are possibly putting energy in the wrong directions. First of all, I want to say that money is totally neutral in case you didn’t already know it. So stop giving away your power to “Big Money” There are some good books I have read about money and wealth among which I recommend: “Busting Loose from the Money Game” by Robert Scheinfeld (about $20 or less on Amazon.com). Another good one I have read is “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles, probably out of print now but you can get a free e-book of it off the Internet by googling the book I think I would be willing to bet that none of the schools that any of you are attending or have attended teach any of the ideas that are in these and similar books (by the way I am not getting paid a dime to recommend these books either, trust me)

Secondly, I don’t know if any of you can remember Mother Theresa. She was a kindly woman who in some people’s minds was very poor, but she once said she would rather be for a cause than against one, maybe those aren’t her exact words but that’s close. Being against something is being negative and it’s wasting energy. A person can become much more productive and useful to society and feel better him/herself and create and have more energy by being FOR a cause.

One cause I am for is the cause of restoring America. And I think Ron Paul is committed to that cause also and that’s why I support him and I encourage everyone else to do the same. Have you read the US Constitution lately or any part thereof? Well, he supports the US Constitution more so than anyone else I have seen. If any of you knows of anyone else who has been more in support of the US sticking to that document than him I would like to know who it is. Here’s the link to his recent press conference in Las Wegas in which, among many other great things that he said was, he will work for a salary of only $39,000/yr, the median salary of all US employees: http://youtu.be/s-2Zs0-N1dA

To paraphrase Abe Lincoln (I think he said this didn't he?): "United we stand,divided we fall." I might add: He'll keep us united, support Ron Paul" . See details at http://www.ronpaul2012.com

I imagine that the “terrorists” and people in other countries who hate America are relishing, gloating over the division that is occurring in this country

Let's restore America! Support Ron Paul for presidential nomination and election next year. He is the one hope for America as he is know as the Champion of the Constitution supports that document like no one else and that's what we have needed for a long time

Other causes to be FOR instead of against and that I am FOR:1) The Pickens Plan to establish a national energy plan and to replace the use of petroleum as fuel with America’s own supply of natural gas (which is estimated to be enough to last for 100 years or more) www.pickensplan.com 2) The Fair Tax www.fairtax.org a movement to replace the current burdensome tax system and the IRS with the Fair Tax. See link for details. Thanks for letting me share. BM



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[-] 1 points by Yepper (277) 13 years ago

I like what Ron Paul has to say. I wish he wasn't such an isolationist.

[-] 1 points by mrbill0626 (33) 13 years ago

Why do you call him an isolationist? Because he is against "Nation building" like George W Bush and his ilk were?