Forum Post: Be American, Buy American
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:34 p.m. EST by DilipShah
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We can generate and pass on the message " Be American, Buy American ". We can start right now "'Not buying'" any thanks giving gifts and all other stuff which is made out side USA. We can continue that trend in Christmas shopping too. By Christmas we will have tremendous opportunities available to factories in USA to make those stuff in USA empowering them to create jobs in USA. This will also stop dollars exodus going out of USA. Political parties will not endorse this idea due to international trade treaties and various other political reasons. But, we the American people can do this. Government and political parties normally have to succumb to the public opinion generated in a massive scale. It is my strong belief that every common American will love this idea. This doesn't call for any sacrifice from any common American person. We simply have to divert our spending to stuff made in USA. Big marts and super chains will have to stop buying these stuff from outside USA as NOBODY will buy them.Once this idea is activated, there will be other hundred of ways to force super mart chains not to buy stuff. I am ready to contribute $1,000 to THIS IDEA - no string attached.
I agree! Use the below American based mom and pop store:
I dont agree with this idea, American are great people and great nation. they have helped and helping the whole world, specially third world countries. They should try to educate the whole world to develop harmony , peace and love and to bring justice and equal system . This idea brings gap among nations
Agree 100% especially with the upcoming holiday buying season. They forecast and depend on trends hugely.
Target shoe companies IMHO. They will listen. The retail and fashion industry is on thin eggshells as far as production and forcasting season to season right now. If we apply in this area, we could see correction by spring. Imagine a large shoe company bringing jobs back to the US and using US materials etc. Then offering them as a solution. This is a market we control 100% they use our heros and sports figures. They dpend on our trends. MEDIA WOULD DEF FOLLOW THIS. As well as artist and individuals... I do not think nike would work but maybe Puma/Vans/Converse would listen and addapt. Many small start up fashion companies would follow suit. We could stage a drop off off said brand in parks across the country in peaceful protest and then donate the shoes elsewhere and ask for full boycott of the brand threw the holidays. Whos Chucks?