Forum Post: BBF- What is it?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 7:52 a.m. EST by SolarD
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
BBF- The movement to Boycott Black Friday, a chance for the 99% to stand together and make a difference. The one time to not occupy anything, but our homes and our family's minds and hearts. This Black Friday, don't go shopping (except for food and medicine) boycott the Malls and National retailers, send a message to the 1% that "we the People" can and will stand up to them. Revolution requires action, and sometimes action is to stay home. Stay Strong, Stay Peaceful!
How do people with no credit cards buy things online? Oh yeah, they don't, they use cash at stores. Either way, why are you okay with supporting online shopping? How are they any better than retail stores. They employ less people, and give back less to communities.
Black Friday is a way for familes to save money on things they are going to by anyway. These companies you are protesting employ people so they can house and feed themselves.
Black Friday is just a marketing ploy anyway; anyone who sleeps all night outside a department store for 'deals' they can get online any time is a fool. It's just a ploy to get people to buy things they neither want nor need and ordinarily would never have purchased. If under ordinary circumstances you never would've bought it, you're not saving money buying it at an allegedly reduced price, you're throwing money away.
How do people with no credit cards buy things online? Oh yeah, they don't, they use cash at stores. Either way, why are you okay with supporting online shopping? How are they any better than retail stores. They employ less people, and give back less to communities.
Free clue: there are these things called debit cards.
The offline outlets people shop at all have online points of purchase. If anything they require them to hire more people, not less.
[No offense, but you must either have been living under a rock for the past 15 years or else are, well, from another generation.]
Black Friday is just a marketing ploy. You've been had. The suggestion that participating in a ruse to get people to buy things they don't need or that shopping offline as opposed to online is somehow better for 'the community' is... weird. You must own stock in Target or Walmart or something, lol...