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Forum Post: Bayer Behind BPA Study That Preserves Their Profits, Prolongs Your Risks

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 9:01 a.m. EST by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL
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Bayer Behind BPA Study That Preserves Their Profits, Prolongs Your Risks:




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[-] 2 points by Gillian (1842) 12 years ago

The other day there was a discussion about a recent study on BPA and soup on talk radio. What really annoyed me is that after they disclosed the dangers/high levels of BPA in people who ate 5 cans of soup over a 5 day period, they then said that the toxic effects reverse when people stop eating soup. Not only is this study so obviously shortsighted by suggesting that by giving up soup or only eating it once a week we will be ok but they do not warn about the exposure from other sources that would increase levels as well as increase length of exposure ( at least not in the radio discussion). Scientific research ( mostly industry funded) today is so so short sighted and deliberately flawed for this reason and most citizens are too dumbed down to question a study's validity or use their own good commonsense. I also remember a study not too long ago that discouraged tea drinking on the basis that the heat caused throat cancer. Hmmm ..just tea? After all, what about coffee, cocoa or soup? Sadly, I know first hand how short sighted even the scientists are while they conduct these studies. It's truly shocking how scientists compartmentalize their research in order to avoid the truth.
Here's a synopsis of what I listened to on the radio:

Bisphenol A, BPA, is used in the linings of many canned foods and was found in elevated levels in people who ate canned soup for five days, U.S. researchers said.

A study by the Harvard School of Public Health found a 1,000 percent increase in urinary BPA concentrations in people who ate a 12-ounce serving of canned soup for five days compared to a group that consumed freshly-made soup for five days.

It was published online Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"We've known for a while that drinking beverages that have been stored in certain hard plastics can increase the amount of BPA in your body," UPI.com quoted lead author Jenny Carwile as saying in a Harvard release. "This study suggests that canned foods may be an even greater concern, especially given their wide use."

The researchers said exposure to the endocrine-disrupting chemical BPA, which is used in the lining of metal food and beverage cans, has been shown to interfere with reproductive development in animals.

It has also been linked with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity in humans, they said.

"The magnitude of the rise in urinary BPA we observed after just one serving of soup was unexpected and may be of concern among individuals who regularly consume foods from cans or drink several canned beverages daily," said co-researcher Karin B. Michels.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

good for a reread.