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Forum Post: Basic Income Guarantee

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 1:12 p.m. EST by vocalstream (4)
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It's time to explore all the options available and to implement a Basic Income Guarantee in America.



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[-] 2 points by JonFromSLC (-107) from West Valley City, UT 13 years ago

there is a basic income. it's called minimum wage. And you're guaranteed to get at least minimum wage.

[-] 1 points by gibsone76m (298) from Washington, NJ 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Greentara (205) 13 years ago

It's called social security and Medicare. If don't think so, pay your parents medical bills

[-] 1 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

A basic income guarantee?!?! Right, I want to guarantee that millionaires get even more money! The guarantee should be for a job that at the very least one person could survive on.

[-] 1 points by jbell78 (152) 13 years ago

let's not forget the mansions. i would like a mansion as well.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

I don't think $38,500 is going to buy you much of a mansion.

[-] 1 points by jbell78 (152) 13 years ago

NO I meant a mansion on top of my gov't guaranteed income. And $38.500 ain't gonna cut it. I'm with betuadollar - need bi-weekly installments of a million. And what benefits will we get?

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

Well, you need to become a defense contractor then.

[-] 1 points by Dale (9) 13 years ago

Buy Purely American Made Products. One small step to getting jobs for Americans! Find a small business that sells only American Made products and support them. One such business is American Production Group. They sell Earth Friendly American Made Products and I support them. You can find this wonderful company at www.AmericanProductionGroup.com or you can "Like" them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/americanproductiongroup I did! Just sayin'.

[-] 1 points by aedrianna (2) 13 years ago

Nicole Rietmann 14 Ewing St Lismore NSW 2460 Ph. +61457244324 sistergalaxia1@gmail.com

On behalf of the 99%; We, the people, do solemnly decree, that on this day 23/10/2011, that, We request a new form of govt., to work with the two party system devised by the Illuminati, or to replace eventually, the devised of the latter.

A planetary council of elders, elected by the people of the world, the 99% we nominate them, we choose them, 10 or any number above, to wisely, and with divine and galactic right, lead the people of the world to a future of • happiness at the expense of no other, • safety • and sound, 99% selected leadership, of our home to a compassionate, accepting and enlightened future, where each citizen of earth known, as Terra-Urantia be given, at the expense of the 1%, insofar as it will be free to each participating country’s citizens, for a start, the following:

  1. FREE health care for every citizen of the world (no hidden costs)
  2. Full solar and wind turbine electricity ONLY either for a private home off grid, at this stage, FOR FREE, forever.
  3. Electric Cars-THE SELF CHARGING VARIETY, you’ve been hiding, free, to every citizen of the world, and as each child reaches the age of 16 or 18, one free electric car, from their elders, for their birthday.
  4. Free education for each citizen of the world.

IF, these conditions are met over the next ten years, in conjunction with the Bohemian Grove time line, which we hope will include no more wars and only defense, three different futures are faced, two to be avoided, most to pass if aid given. But child slavery and prostitution must be abolished. As it is an unacceptable insanity. Corruption faced. Jobs must be given back to adult men and women. May all the nations hear and join. Nations elect leaders, many elders, from all walks of life, of faultless character, to encourage the 1% to agree and join us. Leadership can be really difficult sometimes, as we understand, with the criticism and the factions that seek to vocally criticize your lives, but questionable leadership will bring nothing else, and corruption will cause it, we ALL want Heaven on earth, not sodom and gomorrah. Above is the plan to help everyone achieve this, our (the 99%) monies, have been given, in taxes, over many years in good faith, to make you rich- these monies, we no longer want mismanaged and redistributed. Please hand our future to the Elders and ancestors that care for us; the 99%. Our Charity money and our taxes, we want, to work, this way. You KNOW how to sustain the market, work with our self selected Elders and us. This is not facism, nor communism, nor socialism, but sanity.

To the world, in good faith.

[-] 1 points by commonsense11 (195) 13 years ago

This will never work! What a fantasy world you live in. It will never make it's way out of your mind though as 7 billion people will NEVER agree to such nonsense.

[-] 1 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

One woman and her friends got together at her house and started something that changed America and more importantly the way Americans thought! She was Candy Lightener and she started M.A.D.D. One person, one idea can change the world.

[-] 1 points by commonsense11 (195) 13 years ago

Not this fantasy life you guys have invented. The fact that you don't see that people will never go for it shows you are flawed in your assumption everyone will hold hands around the fire in the world you envision. I stand by my thought that this world would be a boring sham, full of cookie cutter people that would lead to the premature extinction of the human race.

[-] 1 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

Changing the world doesn't mean eliminating every bad thing in it and bringing about a paradise. It means CHANGING a bad element of the world for the better.

[-] 1 points by 2freeme (-1) 13 years ago

could you explain the returning of the original income amount $250k going to inheritance tax?

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

the original $250,000 is simply an accounting entry. No actually money is distributed until graduation from college. at the time of graduation the original $250,000. will have "grown" to about $550,000 (since the account grows at the rate of annual GDP). At that point A maximum of 7% could be drawn out annual (38,500). The inheritance tax would reclaim the $550,000 at death to be recycled into the fund.

[-] 1 points by number2 (914) 13 years ago

Is this a joke? I saw it before and it has popped up again.

Just remember the Chinese are not fools. They won't lend us money for forever. And then we do the Greece thing.

[-] 0 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

the Chinese have nothing to do with this.

[-] 1 points by OWSCannibals (4) 13 years ago

baloney! All the headlines are connected, read between the lines. Trade war? Undervalued currency which is creating these economic conditions? Stealing intellectual property so that investors don't want to invest anymore? Buying up our debt and loaning us money during the low points? Lending us money to pay off Pakistan (to not blow us up,) who happens to be a close ally of China?

WAKE UP OWS! It's not the corporate insiders you should be attacking! It's the corporate outsiders!!!

[-] 1 points by number2 (914) 13 years ago

except that we borrow billions of dollars from them daily so we can have stupid programs like this. Something like this can only work in a communist country and only for a period of time(until the bakruptcy) look at the USSR. They couldn't afford their own stupidity. Fascist corporations are taking us down rapidly but so is the entitlement mentality. Talking about the paycheck before anything has been done to earn it? This is just as dishonest as what the corporations do.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

1) if you want to get the budget under control military spending must be cut substantial. We currently spend 1.48 trillion dollars a year on total "defense". 2) Communism was about the abolition of private property. This is about the preservation of private property. 3) Corporations do a lot of good things. They just need to not be treated as persons but rather as vehicles to promote responsible growth.

[-] 1 points by number2 (914) 13 years ago

1)correct 2) it isn't your property. this is about getting other people's property for yourself, which is morally bankrupt and is the exact same thing Goldman Sachs does just on a larger scale. 3)agreed

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

I have worked for almost five decades. I have plenty of property. This is about individual autonomy and freedom of choice. Without some basic means of support I'm afraid there isn't much freedom.

[-] 1 points by number2 (914) 13 years ago

So you have worked and because of that, you have property, correct? And you are free to make decisions because you have financial freedom because you have earned it. Are you saying you should have financial freedom, without earning it, now?

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

and thank you for your nice response. I'm glad we agree.

[-] 1 points by number2 (914) 13 years ago

There's no good reason to be mean about the things we disagree on. A good argument happens when both parties keep their cool and actually listen and consider the opposing view.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

agreed. Take care.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

For an example, in 2035 the first year a college graduate would be able to draw on his or her account, the annual withdrawal would be about $38,500. That year there would be about 4 million graduates or equivalent costing about 155 billion dollars. in 2035 the U.S. economy is projected to be well over 30 trillion dollars.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

A college graduate or post graduate could certainly work for the minimum wage if they chose to while receiving the benefits of the basic income guarantee.

[-] 1 points by commonsense11 (195) 13 years ago

Opportunities can be guaranteed but success cannot. It's up to the individual to insure they are employable and valuable to the employer. This is what keeps workers productive and honest. The problem with our current system is opportunities are not equally available to everyone. It starts by reforming our education system and ends with allowing the creme to rise to the top. A basic income guarantee would be disastrous and only benefit the already to many lazy bums that want something for minimal or no effort and would absolutely create more of their kind.

[-] 1 points by lifesprizes (298) 13 years ago

Yes - This alone would end poverty. It could be set up similar to social security but you receive it the day you are born. A universal plan that makes sure everybody has food, shelter, water and basic necessities to keep human spirits high and dignity in tact.

[-] 1 points by anotherone773 (734) from Carlyle, IL 13 years ago

If everyone got the same base income to work off of and could go up from there but never down then everything would be more expensive. When everyone has the same amount of money be it $100 or $1 mil that amount basically becomes worthless. You would have runaway inflation if you tried to adjust such a thing for inflation and if you didnt the amount of money would barely buy anything.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

one of inflation's causes is a change in the supply and demand of money relative to the change in the supply and demand of goods and services. This wouldn't causes that.

[-] 1 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

I agree. I want a million bi-weekly, with full benefits.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Agreed, "it's time to explore all the options available and to implement a Basic Income Guarantee in America", so perhaps you would consider our group's proposal of an alternative online direct democracy of government and business at http://getsatisfaction.com/americanselect/topics/on_strategically_weighted_policies_organizational_operating_structures_tactical_investment_procedures-448eo and then join our group's 20 members committed to that plan at http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/StrategicInternationalSystems/ , for it provides that Basic Income Guarantee (or Diversified Base Income) as you have rightly suggested.

[-] 1 points by gizmopigon (68) 13 years ago

Nixon wanted it so the cynical reason would not need to give out food stamps, and section 8 housing and it would eliminate a lot of government jobs. Income guarantee is unworkable because it drain the budget and would poor use of economic resources to grow the economic pie. Wage Disparity is does not matter because absolute poverty is different than relative poverty. In the 1950s people still did not have clean water and sewage system in early suburbs in the Midwest, but as the 1960s rolled along and infrastructure improved regardless of income gaps living standards rose for all. Investments educations, healthcare, transportation, trade, research will improve living more than Guarantee Income. Guarantee Income will turn out to be welfare program to buy votes and give politicians power to impoverish some groups while enriching supporters.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

with the right educational requirements (college graduate, etc.) it will allow free autonomous productive citizens with the knowledge and ability to express themselves and lead rewarding lives.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

We give them housing and food stamps for the benefit of children, because we know they'll just spend it on drugs and alcohol. And even then they manage to get their continuous fix. You know, people have to realize... how tremendously drugs and alcohol have impacted our society.

[-] 1 points by Yepper (277) 13 years ago

And will people have to work to get it?

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

There are several plans out there. One is a Stake holder plan. Everyone at the age of 21 receives $80,000. Then the money is returned through an inheritance "tax". Another plan distributes $10,000 a year to every adult while eliminating other welfare programs, except Social Security and Medicare. These might be good stop gap measures but a more comprehensive plan may be better. Allowing citizens to draw on there individual accounts after college graduation, let say. I do believe any substantial plan would have to be phased in over time and tied to educational achievements.

[-] -1 points by Yepper (277) 13 years ago

I think your plan beats Obama's green jobs at 2 million per job then bankruptcy. And far cheaper. The inheritance part might need worked on some.

[-] 0 points by gibsone76m (298) from Washington, NJ 13 years ago

GREAT IDEA! When we put this in place I won't even have to leave my couch!

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

You'll have to graduate from college

[-] 0 points by gibsone76m (298) from Washington, NJ 13 years ago

great, so i'll go to college, party for 4 years, slide by with a B-, and then spend the rest of my life on my couch.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

I'm sure a few will do as you would, as they do now. But, most are more responsible than that.

[-] 0 points by gibsone76m (298) from Washington, NJ 13 years ago

what is the point of being responsible when i am already being paid for nothing? This, ladies and gentlemen, is why communism looks good on paper but does not work.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

Again, communism is about the abolition of private property. This supports the creation of private property.

[-] 0 points by gibsone76m (298) from Washington, NJ 13 years ago

so where is the incentive for me to get off my couch? im still not seeing it?

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

We all have to make choices. You have chosen to sit on your couch even without the basic income. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

[-] 1 points by gibsone76m (298) from Washington, NJ 13 years ago

First of all, I have a good job...give people something for nothing and you are enabling the laziness that caused this movement in the first place.

[-] 0 points by 2freeme (-1) 13 years ago

Basic Income Guarantee sounds like a great idea to me. You do not get it until you graduate from college...good now we in US might catch up with most every other civilized country in the education department.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

minimum wage has nothing to do with a basic income guarantee

[-] 1 points by chigrl (94) 13 years ago

Can you explain why? They sound like the same thing to me.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

Basic income would be a right of citizenship. After obtaining a college degree or equivalents. the basic outline is included further down the narrative in this link. Thank you, for asking.

[-] 1 points by chigrl (94) 13 years ago

The outline looks like the government is just inventing money that doesn't really exist. I also think it would lead to huge amounts of apathy across the country. If no one has to work, a lot of people won't.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

The children of "rich" citizens don't have to work but most do and many make substantial contributions.

[-] 1 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

though, the minimum wage is important.

[-] 0 points by OWSCannibals (4) 13 years ago

Well I see that shipment of CRACK has arrived to OWS. Unreal - the problem isn't corporate greed, its the sense of entitlement from some of the youth! Get out there and MAKE a job, google it on your iPhones I bet you would have made one already with the time your spending downtown!

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

I don't want to work, I want Dick Cheny to pay for everything

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

you are an idiot

[-] 0 points by vocalstream (4) 13 years ago

Every citizen would receive a restricted account of $250,000 at birth. These accounts would simply be an accounting entry. They would not in any respect be part of the money supply (not included in bank reserves, could not be distributed, borrowed against or used as collateral, etc.). The account would grow at the rate of GDP annual. After the person graduates from college the account could be draw on (interest only, 7%) The account could then slowly be transferred to the private sector. The principle of the account would return in the form of an inheritance tax.

[-] 0 points by Daennera (765) from Griffith, IN 13 years ago

So I can sit on my ass and do absolutely nothing, produce nothing, and STILL get paid. Sounds great to me!
