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Forum Post: Barrett Brown - Occupy Wall Street Interview

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 12:12 a.m. EST by MarcTwane (76)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

How many have seen this interview in the park on September 25th? It hasn't gotten many views, but what the collective Anonymous has done by hacking HBGary's server and stealing 70,000 emails is very interesting. Especially when consider the opponents of OWS on this forum

Watch this interview. It's not very long, and judging from the amount of views, i'm not sure many people are conscious of it.




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[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago


No chance for progress in America

The media pundits keep telling Americans on TV that we must have globalization, we must only elect Republicans and Democrats, we shouldn't have a class war, we should keep letting the politicians take bribes on the record and kickback favors for those bribes, and the list is a bottomless pit of stupidity,

Only people in a deep trance would be irrational. Americans are so arrogant and hypocritical that they'd prefer being destroyed by the pundits who use propaganda to keep them in a trance around the clock.

[-] 1 points by MarcTwane (76) 13 years ago

Nicely said.

Read this quote from Martin Luther King from his Letter From a Birmingham Jail -

"There is a type of constructive, nonviolent tension which is necessary for growth. Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal."

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Very lofty. I'm down here.

No chance for progress in America

The media pundits keep telling Americans on TV that we must have globalization, we must only elect Republicans and Democrats, we shouldn't have a class war, we should keep letting the politicians take bribes on the record and kickback favors for those bribes, and the list is a bottomless pit of stupidity,

Only people in a deep trance would be irrational. Americans are so arrogant and hypocritical that they'd prefer being destroyed by the pundits who use propaganda to keep them in a trance around the clock.

Obama has lied about everything he promised us. I don't care what color the president is if he's making decisions that will benefit all Americans with good job opportunities, fair taxation, and a great energy plan. One lawyer in Dallas told me he wouldn’t take this case because I don’t like Obama. Do all his class action clients like Obama? America has become a bottomless pit of screwball, politically correct nonsense.

read more please http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/