Forum Post: Barney Frank Opens Occupy My Ass
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 2:49 p.m. EST by reporter
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
On Monday, November 14, Barney Frank annouced he is opening Occupy My Ass at his D.C. office. His Chief of Staff later said the Occupy My Ass initiative would also function from his home. Marijuana and prostitutes are currently available at Frank's home, but administered by Frank's longtime wife - Bill. No invitattion is needed Frank's Chief of Staff stated - just Come on by. Comments and feedback are encouraged in order to grow Occupy My Ass.
Remember when Frank 's boyfriend was running the male prostitution ring with minors? Frans & corrupt Criss Dodd put us in this financial mess by forcing lenders to give loans to sub prime failures.
Finally, some action in teh Movement!
Safer Space. Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc. content is subject to moderation. MODS take the HATE speech out!
I agree. Remove FWRickyLA immediately.
I understand that Occupy My Ass has is ripping MSNBC off and using their "Lean Forward" as the organizations brand, but is adding "Bend Over" to keep from infrinnging on any trademark issues.
This is the spirit of sharin gnow that it si hooiday season. Thank you Barney. Will be at your office at 4pm.