Forum Post: Barney Frank Announces Retirement
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 1:07 p.m. EST by silverspider
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Zionist liberal (and criminal) Barney Frank announces retirement today....see folks, you can be a liberal zionist or a ziocon (conservative ziobot) but one thing remains the same for both - these people are all rotten to the core. Who will fill this zionist criminal's slippery shoes???? Hopefully not another crooked dirtbag....
Barney the fudgepacking machine Frank
So Barney is fudge-packing it in.
Unusual for a powerful Democrat to willingly give up power, I'm pretty sure Robert Byrd was dead his last two terms. I wonder if there's a major scandal about to break?
Such a shame he has no honor and will rightfully fall on his own sword.
You are a really sick human being.
sometimes it's takes a sick human being to tell the truth
Well hello Shirley Temple!
What you don't understand is that all Americans are "zionists." The Jews have ALWAYS been the money lenders... really, roll back the clock a a thousand years: money lenders. And we have always been people of business.
I don't disagree with you friend...kudos to you for speaking the truth.....