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Forum Post: Banned From Chat? !!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 6:17 p.m. EST by digitalauteur (0) from Greensboro, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Greetings Occupiers @ Any Chat Room Moderator Could someone please look into this issue for us. Me and my husband ( Digital Auteur & Red ) have been in chat everyday since the weekend, participating in discussion, giving newbies correct information and basically being good online citizens and supporters of the Occupy movement. Someone in chat has banned us - we have no idea as to why the only message we get is 'You Are Banned".We have not spammed or flooded, or trolled or any of that non-sense,we have followed the rules as far as I can tell.

Red told me that the person before him had a very long post with a link and it filled the screen and all he did was hit his up arrow to repeat the last point he had made, as the person he was speaking to missed it We share an IP since we are on the same network, I was in the room Idle so I wasn't even talking at the time this occurred, I am currently writing a website for the OCCUPY GREENSBORO movement and I have been banned from chat as well.

I don't know if this is an automatic thing or perhaps just human error - but we sure would appreciate being un-banned.

I can be reached at digitalauteur (at) gmail (dot) com if you need our ip address or anything.



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