Forum Post: Banksters Loot Greek Gold
Posted 13 years ago on March 3, 2012, 12:22 a.m. EST by vaness
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
[f*cking banksters...they need to be strung up]
The other shoe drops in the Greek Debt crisis. All those bogus and double sold derivatives and swaps were about confiscation of the Greek national gold! 111.6 tonnes of it!
Greece had fiscal troubles more than ten years ago, but the Greek population was kept in the dark. The big Banks including Goldman Sachs assisted the unscrupulous Greek politicians in hiding their debt. Had they dealt with the unsustainaled course they were on then, they would not be in the position they are in now.
The banksters have known for quite some time that the fiat money, made out of thin air was going to end after they exploited and corrupted it till it was worthless, knowing full well that the gold standard would be the back up system. What if the pot of gold was the goal the whole time and the banksters' MO was to do massive global predatory lending knowing full well the countries could not pay back, then going in and using "global" institutions to change the laws making it legal to confiscate all the global gold, thereby they now become the global owners of all the world's gold and they have yet another money system they can control.
What most people don't know is that each time the globalists obliterate a country in the middle east, they also confiscate all their gold. Tons of it. I think it is all about global control. How do you control the people? Control the money. The fiat money is worthless...what's left? Gold. I think its all about the gold!
if european countries begin to lose their gold one by one and it ends up in federal hands, then I guess we wont be mad at the feds anymore? Just a though.
Is there better substantiation for this report? The article cites another source:
But it's unclear where they're getting their information from?
Here's another story I found:
According to this report, which seems credible (they link to a statement issued by Eurogroup), this hasn't actually taken place yet, and can only take place if Greece amends its constitution (which doesn't appear to be very likely). Nevertheless, the demand itself is just over the top (although it might be a stretch to say this was part of some sort of long term plan by bankers to confiscate Greek gold). I mean, they would have had to contemplate the entire financial meltdown that led to this (which seems far fetched, even for banksters). I mean, imagine how many millions of factors these guys would have to control in order to pull something like this off?
Yeah, that's wrong. Greece and its unions should be able to borrow endlessly, even long after it's obvious they'll never pay it back. Bad banksters, spoiling the debt party.
You can help. Send a check to your favorite Greek union. Don't worry, you can make it a loan. LOL.
Maybe another headline would be better: Greeks Loot Foreign Banks. That's a little closer to the truth.
What happened to buyer beware?
If you're dumb enough to loan to a country like Greece you deserve what you get right? Personal responsibility. Don't expect the corporate welfare state to bail you out.
My guess: The US is concerned that Greece (which owes Iran money for oil) will pay its debt with gold, which Iran now happily accepts.
Yep, that's true. But that's why Greece was being cut off. Creditors figured out they weren't going to get repaid.
Of course, Greek unions and other leftists are outraged that banks won't lend what will never be repaid, but that's their bizarre perspective.
I think they figured it out a long time ago, but were expected a bailout... and got one too, but probably not as much as they were hoping for.
Iceland still made the better choice though, Greece should have just ceased paying last year, defaulted, and figured out how to live within its means.
Greece and Iceland were different. Iceland got saddled with its debt because it tried to support its banks. But the problem proved too large. Greece's problem is because of running deficits and half the country thinking it can work for government. If Greece defaulted, it would've been immediately cut off forcing them to align their spending to revenues instantly, rather than being able to adjust with some time.
Point taken they are different situations, but at the same time the problem is a similar one, taking on too much debt.
Icelanders heard the same kind of things, and could quite easily be in the same situation as Greece right now, but thankfully their people didn't listen. I'm not saying the process would have been pleasant, but the alternative to default looks a lot worse to me.
But they're different. Defaulting when you lack what's called a "primary surplus" is especially painful. Iceland had one, Greece still doesn't. Simply put, if you default when you're still in need of borrowing more, you're fucked. Greece's unions don't understand.
Well I'll agree with that much, one way or the other they have to figure out how to live within their means. But at least with a default they would have had a chance to recover, taking on more debt is really not a solution when you can't pay what you have, and the EU is completely wrecking whatever is left of their economy.
Default once they reach a primary surplus, perhaps. Greece's problem is that with its socialistic system of everyone trying to live off the state, reaching that surplus is nearly impossible without being forced there by creditors cutting them off. And the EU's other taxpayers can't keep pouring cash into the Greek welfare state. They have their own creaking welfare states. People fear withdrawal, but in the end, it's where all addicts land if they want to recover.