Forum Post: Banksters Face The Constitutional Court In South Africa
Posted 12 years ago on May 11, 2012, 5:51 a.m. EST by carbonogram
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Press Release: 24 April 2012
Michael Tellinger Launches Constitutional Court Action Against Standard Bank; and The South African Reserve Bank; and The Minister of Finance.
After a slight technical hiccup last Friday at the Constitutional Court, regarding the binding of a substantially long legal document, Michael Tellinger made global history on the 23rd & 24th April 2012, in Johannesburg when he filed his 1100-page NOTICE OF MOTION against Standard Bank in the Constitutional Court of South Africa, accusing the bank of unlawful and unconstitutional activity. The case number allocated by the Constitutional Court is CCT 28/12.
Tellinger also served the NOTICE OF MOTION on the RESERVE BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA and the MINISTER OF FINANCE, alleging that they are jointly and consciously implicated in the unscrupulous and devious activity that has led to unimaginable financial hardship of the South African people.
There is hardly any South African who has not been harmed in some way by the actions of the banks. For too long have banking giants been unassailable and untouchable by the common man.
It is now official and it can be claimed that never before has such a case been brought against any of these corporations at this level anywhere in the world, where for the first time a layperson has been given direct access to the Constitutional Court regarding the devious activities of the banks.
This case may have started as a matter of principle for Michael Tellinger against STD Bank, but it has escalated to such a degree that every South African and everyone in the world could be affected, because a positive outcome will result in a major public policy shift and the changing of the laws that govern the banks and bringing economic justice to the people.
Tellinger will argue that the lack of control and intervention by the MINISTER OF FINANCE has allowed the banks and the RESERVE BANK to do as they please with impunity and without recourse, and in the process have enslaved millions of honest, hard-working South Africans to a life of misery and debt through the banks’ unconstitutional and unlawful activities.
This historic case will attempt to redress the imbalance that has taken place for centuries by the few that have been called the banking elite. The Constitutional Court is the highest court on constitutional matters, its very foundation being the protector of human rights and its mandate to protect the people.
The Court is mandated to bring legislation in par with the constitutional framework principles and to develop common law principles. The legacy follows Nelson Mandela’s vision, that no matter who or what you represent, equality, justice and the people’s voice shall be harmonised before an independent, unbiased judicial system founded on the principles of rights enshrined in the Constitution.
This case will be a challenge for the Constitutional Court, and Tellinger trusts that it will make its findings properly, considering all the facts to redress the laws and do whatever it needs to do, to redress the hardship of the people caused by financial abuse.
Tellinger appeals to every South African that has been harmed by their bank to join this important action, so that it truly represents millions of honest, hardworking and trusting citizens who have been unable to do so for themselves.
Thousands have been repeatedly frustrated by the invisible protective legal shield around the banks, and the legal system that seems to support the banks.
“Many people carry severe personal grudges against the banks that have done them financial harm, but are powerless to do anything about it.” Said Tellinger
He added that “People are completely oblivious to how they have been conned and deceived by their banks about money and how it is created, but once they find out the terrible truth about how banks really operate and how they use our signature to profiteer on us, and how they make money out of thin air, they will be very angry and realise how important this action against the banks is” he added.
Tellinger urges each and every South African to read as much about this case as possible to inform themselves and to join the petition of signatures that will represent the rest of South Africa in the loudest voice ever presented at the Constitutional Court. Please go to and sign the petition page.
Details of the hearing will follow as soon as we have been allocated a date by the court. We will keep everyone informed on the above website .
For more information contact Michael Tellinger at