Forum Post: Banks being sued!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 7:29 a.m. EST by migarce
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For illegal foreclosure practices. Pls. read
banks need to be taken over by our gov and we the people should own and benefit from the money created by the banks. then the greed of banks would benefit 99% not 1% its our money not the banks
Then, once the banks have been looted and fail, they'll all close and you'll wonder what happened. Banks are greedy for making loans that they expect to be repaid. Banks are supposed to be social welfare agencies until they lose all their capital. Banks are bad, very bad. Really, smarten up.
banks are not supposed to be social welfare agencies the Democrats did that to the banks by forcing them to make loans to people who they knew would not be able to re-pay them. One solution would be to make banks NON-PROFITS. This would spur growth like nothing else. check the link just below and listen to the whole thing, you will learn something today if you do, and then you can argue with me about it.
There isn't close to enough capital out there to fund banks on a not-for-profit basis. And if the govt provides the capital, then we'll have the banks twisted into making nutty political agenda based loans and they'll eventually all explode. check out this link then and get back with me. the banks are already making nutty political agenda based loans did you read about the huge loan to the solar power company in Cal for 500 billion that went almost immediately bankrupt?
this brings a good discussion of banks and how we got to where we are, good listening. worth the time. Now after you watch this video I will ask you to smarten up and open your mind to a new point of view. Banks have no capitol until someone asks for a loan and collateral is promised in case of default, awwww just watch the video it explains it much better than me. Where does money come from?
Similar story. It makes me angry on so many levels. But this paragraph really gets me.
Call this “poor access to information” as is so often the case through the Pentagon Channel, the Armed Forces Network, CNN and Fox News, the only “approved” sources for information for our troops and their families.
Sure, side with delinquent borrowers against banks that violated technicalities. Banks bad for paperwork lapses, borrowers good even though they've completely stopped making payments.
Squatter nation. Why pay for housing at all? Borrow money, default and just keep what you bought with the money. After all, if you can't or won't pay, it's the bank's fault. Bad bank, bad. Sounds like a terrific way to run the country.
That's a DA out of Boston, isn't it?
How cool is that !
Secret settlements for pennies on the dollar. That is all we ever see ofthese things.
Yes, let's have a broader settlement. Banks will pay for paperwork technicalities and borrowers will pay back their loans, including for the squatter period when they paid NOTHING as they rode out the foreclosure process. Deal?
All liberals are doing is encouraging a nation of defaulted squatters.