Forum Post: Banking Vampires (VISA/Mastercard) Sucking off 3-5% of every Transaction
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 8:04 p.m. EST by maxkoda
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Many have talked about closing accounts at the big banks as a way of fighting back at the 1%. I'd like to challenge the 99% to reduce or stop making credit/debit card transactions because the 1% get 3-5% of every credit/debit card transaction! Every transaction made with such a card sends 3-5% of the transaction cost to the 1%.
Think about that! How much do the 99% in aggregate send to the 1% when these cards are used in commerce on a daily/monthly/yearly basis?
If the 99% stopped using credit/debit cards and instead used cash, or Bitcoin for digital transactions, that would deliver a financial blow to the 1%.
Stop using credit/debit cards and instead use cash, or better yet, Bitcoin as payment!