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Forum Post: Bankers & Terrorists

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:33 p.m. EST by wanker (4)
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I think people really need to compare the damage done between these two seemingly different but similar groups of folks, both out to strike fear and pain into our lives, both robbing us of our savings, livelihood and tax dollars.

I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure the financial, physical and social damage the banks have worked SO hard for with the brightest minds of our era FAR outweighs the terrorists. Tell me, which group is more dangerous right now?



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[-] 1 points by wanker (4) 13 years ago

It's no different than any other form of terrorism and should be treated as such. 9/11 was nothing compared to the intentional and well-planned attacks the financial industry has declared on us. It's time to put them in their place and under control! If we can prosecute terrorists with new sets of laws and governmental departments, why not financial terrorists within our own borders? Is this not an issue of national security??

How many more families must be broken? How many more homes lost? How many talented well intentioned workers absorbed into their dirty industry while they could be working on more meaningful things?

[-] 1 points by wanker (4) 13 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree; The "War on Financial Terror" needs to be looked at with the same level of seriousness as any war in history, no outside force can do the damage that our OWN financial industry has done to ourselves!

[-] 1 points by MossyOakMudslinger (106) from Frederick, MD 13 years ago

No one explains banker terrorism like this guy (Max Keiser):

Wellworth a watch 25 minutes but the first 10 alone with Stacy Herbert is packed with information. Listen to what he says about Eric Cantor short selling US Treasuries a sick sick bastard:


[-] 1 points by MossyOakMudslinger (106) from Frederick, MD 13 years ago

The bankers are financial terrorists. They wield a variety of financial instruments of mass destruction including derivatives and fraudulent securities which they employ towards extortion of the citizenry or blowing up economies. They should be prosecuted for acts of terrorism in addition to the other crimes they commit such as theft and fraud.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Banksters and out of control corps. They're the real terrorists in this world.

No dirt-poor Arab has the potential for damage and misery as the two above.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

What we needed all along was a "War on Financial Terror"...:)