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Forum Post: Bankers & Salaries

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 3:44 a.m. EST by wanker (4)
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If you read this NY Times article, you cannot help but be enraged: http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/11/bankers-salaries-vs-everyone-elses/

Can someone please tell me what necessary or meaningful services i-bankers provide so that they deserve their outrageous salaries? The world was a better place before they became unregulated and out of control.

Bankers are nothing more than predatory parasites, scam artists and gambling addicts who need to be regulated in the same ways as casinos. Even casinos don’t force people to play their games, but the banks do! Even casino’s go bankrupt, no one bails them out with tax dollars!

We have no say in this matter. They are using our own savings against us, sneaking “products” through governmental initiatives (401K…etc). Few realize we are giving them the very weapons that are causing our own hardships through inflation and the theft of our savings, and our own government is on the wrong side of the fence!!



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