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Forum Post: Bank and Government Prostitutes and Pimps Selling Out 99% of American Citizens and Fraudulently Stealing Citizens Property/Homes With Judicial and Government Assistance and/or Incompetence.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 12:21 p.m. EST by convertiblecaddy (89)
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Stop All Single Family Residential Home Foreclosures and Reduce Principal on All Mortgages To Current Market Value!!


When banks, and Government are pimps and prostitutes..For the 1 % of americans whocontrol 70 %of this countrys GDP...and the 99% have the remaining 30% of GDP...thats absurd! It appears from the history of this country, change only comes from pain, suffering, bloodshed and death (Civil War, Civil Rights Movement., etc.,)...unfortunately. There is no way approximately 600 elected or, hand picked prostitutes, should be making any laws, or decisions ruining the lives of millions of americans...who have lost their jobs...homes illegallly foreclosed, or in the process of being foreclosed...no unemployment benefits...medical insurance...food..and basically any reason to continue a slow...painful death...as planned by the 1 %. This fight has been a long time coming. I put people/humans 1st. I dont give a damn about banks or, business...when it comes to citizens/humans. Are u cowards (1%) ready to reap.what..u..have sown...to millions of americans...who have NOTHING?

Taxpayers bailout the criminal fraudulent banks HSBC, BANK OF AMERICA, CITIBANK, CHASE, WELLS FARGO,OCWEN,ALLY FINANCIAL,COUNTRYWIDE...and keep these people employed..to...foreclose on the unemployed..who have lost their jobs due to fraud committed against homeowners and citizens. These banks , employees, investors, hedge fund managers, need to be indicted, arrested, and imprisoned. These arrests should easily exceed 10,000 prosecutions! WHEN ARE THE ARRESTS COMING?

How can the government force taxpayers to use their money to bailout the banks who turn around and foreclose on citizens property? Notwithstanding, the government knows these homes are only worth .20 cents or less for each dollar owed on the residential loans...and have failed to legislate any laws mandating all residential loans have the principal reduced to CURRENT MARKET VALUE..for people who reside in these homes, WITHOUT THE NEED FOR PROVIDING ANY ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION, I.E., PAY STUBS, W-2's, BANK STATEMENTS, ETC., OR SIGNING ANY NEW APPLICATIONS, OR THE NEED FOR ANY CREDIT REQUIREMENTS, AS MOST OF THESE HOMEOWNERS ARE UNEMPLOYED/UNDEREMPLOYED, OR HAVE EXPERIENCED PERIODS OF UNEMPLOYMENT AND/OR UNDEREMPLOYMENT AND HAVE NO CREDIT, JOBS, ETC.? **ALONG WITH ALL PAST BALANCES/FEES/COSTS, SHOULD BE WAIVED; SIX (6) MONTH WINDOW BEFORE 1st "New" Payment begins; FIRST FIVE (5) years, loan interest free; and TWENTY FIVE (25) YEARS Fixed interest rate at 2%. (Excluding vacation homes and rental properties), and any and all "negative" reports made to credit reporting agencies "removed."

THIS IS A DAMN SHAME..CRIMINAL AND ABSURD. SCREW 99%..SO..1% bankers, senators, congress people, investors, hedge fund managers, wall street, can continue getting wealthier//richer, on the backs of everyday working (if your lucky) or, unemployed people! THE TIME FOR CHANGE IS HERE...BEEN A LONG TIME COMING...LETS EMBRACE IT! Unless you are in that 99%. What a freaking joke...



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[-] 1 points by convertiblecaddy (89) 13 years ago

Power,wealth, and privilege dont respect 99% of american citizens...nothing promotes change without pain,suffering,and death..these people dont respect peaceful assemblies..or..protest...it will take sacrfices to be made..for the greater good..these people only deal in violence...iraq..afghanistan...civil war...civil rights movement...etc...passiveness,compassion,and compromise means nothing...Time to stand and be heard....or...wait to be trampled by the 1% who control our economy and government

[-] 1 points by bogusanger7 (83) 13 years ago

New World Order [Paperback] A. Ralph Epperson (Author) 1990

It was already planned and put into motion.. People never realized that the train had already left the station and was headed straight for them!