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Forum Post: Bailout of citizens of USA

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:57 a.m. EST by Vallorosi (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Economic Stimulus for the People of The United States of America   USA issues 14 trillion in debt vouchers (NOT CASH) to 300 million American citizens. 2)      This equals $46,000 per person in the United States in debt vouchers. 3)      Vouchers can only be used to pay off BANK DEBT incurred before Jan 1st 2011. 4)      Vouchers must be used in 60 days. 5)      Vouchers are only good for AMERICAN BANK DEBT. 6)      Vouchers issued to people 18 or under will go to Parent or Guardian if Parent or Guardian claims them on their Income Tax Return. 7)      Example A family of 4 will receive $184,000 in DEBT vouchers.  They pay off car a loan, mortgage, and or other bank debt.  Their choice.  After the owner pays the Mortgage down then automatically a refinance at an interest rate no more than 3% will be in order and mandatory by the bank holding the mortgage. How Does This Work?        

·        The Government is not printing money but issuing Debt Vouchers to each of citizen of the United States of America. ·        Each voucher is backed by the USA for the face value of the voucher. ·        Any AMERICAN BANK must accept the voucher as full payment of the Face Value of the voucher. ·        The Voucher (tracked by Serial Numbers and registered with the USA government) is then property of the Bank. ·        The Bank then owns the Voucher and has 30 Days to pay off their GOVERNMENT DEBT in the amount of Face Value of Voucher. ·        Since the people of the US owe debt to Banks, and Banks owe debt to US Government then: ·        Eventually all voucher will end up back at the US Government in which they will be accounted for as per serial Number and properly endorsed and filed.    What will this accomplish?   1)      It will clear debt from every citizen of the USA, either paying down debt or paying down Mortgages owed to banks.  This will turn upside down mortgages in to a home with equity. 2)      It will give banks extensive cash flow allowing them to be sound again. 3)      It will allow banks to clear up bad debt. 4)      It will allow banks to pay back the USA Government. 5)      It will instantly spark the economy because all Citizens will have expendable cash after debt is paid 6)      It will clear up Citizens Credit Ratings. 7)      Banks can now begin to lend again. Not only do the banks, big corporations, and Congress Prosper but also this plan allows all US Citizens to Prosper. The Economy will soon begin to grow at record numbers allowing the Government to make their money back.u



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[-] 1 points by truthhurts (33) 13 years ago

I just don't see how printing a bunch of worthless vouchers will help. Obama has been doing it already (governmetn bonds) and hasn't helped a bit. Wealth is created by work, not by printers.

[-] 1 points by Febs (824) from Plymouth Meeting, PA 13 years ago

How in the world would this help? Seriously all this would do is collapse any lending institution instantly destroying all credit in the US. The markets would panic and people's retirement accounts would shrink dramatically. Businesses would cling to cash more tightly than they are now and increase layoffs.

This is a recipe for suicide.

[-] 1 points by Keithoc (24) 13 years ago

Occupy call your neighbors, friends, families, and anyone you know who uses the big banks. Tell them to take their deposits out and put them in a local credit union or small bank Oct. 29th 2011.

That's the start date of the G8 meeting. The G20 meets Oct 23. We can try for that date if we act fast enough!!! (finance ministers and central bankers of the world’s twenty richest nations, called the G20 [eight richest called the G8])

If you want to get 6% interest on your savings up to $50,000 deposit the funds in Inter National Bank's savings account here: https://www.mangomoney.com/

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[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

We kind of have debt vouchers now, they're called Federal Reserve Notes. In fact, if you hold a federal reserve note someone somewhere owes you the face value of the notes you hold. Its clear that people STILL do not have any basic understanding of how the monetary system works. “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

  • Henry Ford
[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

Take the power away from private hands to create and control money. End the fed is a good place to start.

[-] 1 points by sfsteve (151) 13 years ago

This plan is totally feasible and would work without a hitch. In fact the only danger is that the success would be so remarkable that people would wonder why the government doesn't issue all money the same way. The inevitable would surely come to pass that the Fed is eliminated. For this reason this proposal has no legs. Better to educate everyone on what the Fed does and to go straight after it.

[-] 1 points by wweddingMadeintheUSA (135) 13 years ago

BOYCOTT!!! Imported goods Buy Made in the USA!!!!

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

please, get educated. Your comment will not help the people of the world. The situation is way beyond any such action

[-] 1 points by wweddingMadeintheUSA (135) 13 years ago

Please, I am educated!!! I don't give a crap about the "people of the world" oh my god that is so lame. I care about the people of this country not having jobs when so many products we think of as quintessentially American are manufactured overseas it is a shame and we need to restore our manufacturing base

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

Your a lost sheep. Its not about Jobs or manufacturing. Its very simple. private interests control the money supply in the USA. We were warned by Jefferson, Because he knew about this: Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.- Mayer Amschel Rothschild(1744-1812) even in the early 1900's Henry Ford was telling it straight when he said “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

  • Henry Ford
[-] 1 points by wweddingMadeintheUSA (135) 13 years ago

Sure by all means end the fed. Then what? We will still be unemployed.

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

Think outside the box. More jobs= more consumption of resources and more pollution. Consumption for the sake of production is not only backwards thinking its destructive to the planet.

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

I do not know what you are sending me and I try not to let the thinking of other people influence my thoughts and opinions. Personally I feel that if every able bodied person would work 3 months without payment then all the basic needs of society would be met in excess.