Forum Post: Bad News! Michael Moore, our spokesperson, is growing too big. We need a solution ASAP
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 1:42 a.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS
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We are in an existential crisis. Michael Moore has grown too large that he even has trouble eating. If he drops the food, it instantly accelerates at 32fpsps and splatters onto his body. This explains the craters in his face.
But he is trying to make recompense. He doesn't want to be seen as consuming as many natural resources as America, for this would cut down on future movie royalties or perhaps prove that eventually even hypocrisy can choke one, so he's take to throwing food that he's been eating away from him, to eliminate the evidence.
It orbits his waist.
What do we do?
" Moore encourages the Occupy movement not to fall for the trap that the mainstream media wants – demanding a spokesperson and a single issue statement. “It should not lock on to any single issue,” Moore says. "
This Position of Mr. Moore is a Trap itself:
Eventually .. the Protests will wane .. eventually .. without making One Single Demand to Correct that which drove the Protesters into the Streets.
The Protest will have Lost - The Established Corruption in Washington .. the Campaign Finance which Buys Votes .. will Remain.
I find it Difficult to Imagine Mr.Moore does not see this and should he .. that he issues such a Statement .. that the Movements should Cripple themselves by remaining UNFOCUSED .. they could just as easily be crowing en mass about the Price of Tennis Shoes .. bringing the Same Results :
No Results
Mr.Moore .. You Sir .. need to take a Moment.
If WE do not WIN Campaign Finance Reform for Our Nation
WE LOSE Our Nation to CORPORATISM Forever
OCCUPY & 99'ers
Take it To The Streets