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Forum Post: Bachmann: "The Tea Party picks up its trash after it has a demonstration, so there’s a difference."

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 11:49 a.m. EST by groobiecat2 (746) from Brattleboro, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

LOL. And this woman is running for president. Yeah. Good stuff from the Tea Party. Let's get together and find common ground! (Well, Italian tile flooring, preferably...)

AN FRANCISCO -- The Occupy Wall Street movement differs from the tea party movement not only in its political aims but in its sanitation habits, Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann said Thursday.

"The tea party picks up its trash after it has a demonstration, so there's a difference," the Minnesota congresswoman quipped during a question-and-answer period after her speech to the Commonwealth Club of California.

On a more serious note, the two movements have "two different views of how to solve the problems" our nation faces, she said. Occupy activists believe in "government-directed solutions based on temporary gimmicks," she said, while tea partyers believe in "permanent solutions driven from the private sector.

Bachmann certainly cast her lot with the latter during her speech on "The Revival of American Competitiveness," delivered to a capacity crowd of 250. Tickets had sold out earlier Thursday, club officials said. After the speech, Bachmann was headed to a pair of Bay Area fundraisers - including one in Napa - as well as a tele-town-hall with supporters. She'll be back in the early-caucus state of Iowa for the weekend.

A conservative firebrand in a liberal lion's den, Bachmann -- now trailing badly in national polls -- delivered her speech without any interruptions, and there were no protesters outside."




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[-] 0 points by CHRISHEPBURN (44) 13 years ago

The woman is a redneck but hey she has nice hair. WWW.FUCKOBAMA2012.COM