Forum Post: Can OWS be bought ?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 12:41 p.m. EST by Rico
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
How "The System" Operates
1) Candidate solicits immense sums of money from special interests
2) Candidate promises [fill in the blank] to gain support of different voting blocks
3) Candidate wins, reneges on promises, legislates in favor of financial backers
4) Repeat until revolution
2012: A Case in Point1) Obama receives $28 million from lawyers and financiers
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2) Obama sees OWS, promises student loan fix with $4 - $8 value per student
3) Obama gets reelected, serves financial and legal donors
Can OWS be Bought ?Will the people of OWS reelect Obama in exchange for a $4 - 8 benefit ?