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Forum Post: Awakening!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 8:41 a.m. EST by ttoombs (2) from Boston, MA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Perhaps our acquiescence to the financial, media and military complex that claims dominion over the huddled masses - here in the land of the free as well as the world over - roots from the expulsion of humanity's natural relationship with the earth and astronomical phenomena that has guided us since the dawn of civilization. In this modern era, ushered in with the conquering force of iron and fossil fuels, we find ourselves mired in conundrums: we love freedom but we send Peace Bomb laden drones to terrorize Africa and the Middle East, we love democracy yet our highest court sanctions the auction of elected offices, we love capitalism but we publicly fund private banking cartels, we place justice in the upper echelon of our values system while we incarcerate people for corporate prison profits, we recognize the importance of environmental stewardship but we annually dump millions of gallons of oil into our suffocating oceans. Humans build pyramids, at the top of which we place the morals that dictate the trajectory of civilization. In this nadir, our pyramids are inverted; greed reins and honesty will place you alongside Bradley Manning.

How did we get here? The ruling class has turned us against ourselves. Political headlines typically read: "Democrats SLAM Republicans on..." while "Republicans RIP Obama on..." All of these soap-opera-esque headlines are indications that our society has been hijacked with the ancient methods of Sun Tzu: divide and conquer. The majority fails to recognize the reality of our political system in which Democrats and Republicans alike serve the same ruling elite who employ them - until now. The Occupy Wall street movement represents the first grumbling from within the belly of the beast. The establishment is "on notice" and the tides are turning. Perhaps it is only a remarkable coincidence that tremors in the foundation of power coincides with the completion a Great Year: the 25,800 year period in which the Sun completes a full, 360-degree backward circuit through the zodiac. Then again, it is possible our collective unconscious truly is influenced by these astronomical energies that have been universally revered by humanity in every culture known to exist. Could our lost connection with these natural forces that shape our psyche - as Jung described and Meyers and Briggs elaborated on - leave us vulnerable to those who wish to manipulate mankind for private gain?

These times are stale, and the presence of death can be felt. Yet here on earth, death and birth are inseparable, they are merely two sides of the same coin. We must remember this as we march forward into a new dawn. Only the active participation of the collective masses can foster the necessary environment to erect the new pyramids that will guide humanity through its next era. This movement is an awakening, and united together we can redirect ourselves towards a future with systemic harmony, unlike the discord of today. Let's all dance as we ignite the nest of the phoenix!



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[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

Great post! Unfortunately our social evolution is not YET prepared to handle 'service to others'.... It is still 'service to self'. But who knows...it could change overnight. (100th monkey sort of thing). Thanks for the reminder.

[-] 1 points by mapj123 (2) 13 years ago

maybe the public & states need to call for a contential congress. to fix issues that current congress will not . Without party control or input.