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Forum Post: average American

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 10:34 a.m. EST by averageamerican (0)
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I am not one of the top 1% I'm an average American and your "movement" is scaring me. Have you all considered the following- I bank with Bank of America and I like them. They have branches all over the country to use, they don't hold my deposits as many other small banks do, they are always fast and have enough tellers so I'm in and out fast, I like them. I bet many of you bank with them too. If not for corporate America I would not have this computer I'm writing this post on, nor would any of us. On your web's cover page you have a guy's speech that I bet is not even a us citizen??? You're listening to this guy???$$%%$$#@@ There are some problems in American but it is still the best in the world- you guys would have already been shot or shot at in many countries. Just stop or move to some other country you think is better!!!



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