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Forum Post: Aussie Cops Brutalize OWS Protesters

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 12:57 a.m. EST by samiam99 (3)
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Aussie Cops Brutalize OWS Protesters



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[-] 1 points by samiam99 (3) 13 years ago

In many ways, Australia is the emblematic police state. In 2003, as if attempting to outdo the United States with its Patriot Act following 9/11, Australia’s parliament unveiled a range of draconian Gestapo-like powers under the ASIO Terrorism Act. In 2008, the Labor Party joined China and drafted a wide ranging internet censorship bill custom-tailored to silence political speech.

[-] 1 points by samiam99 (3) 13 years ago

In many ways, Australia is the emblematic police state. In 2003, as if attempting to outdo the United States with its Patriot Act following 9/11, Australia’s parliament unveiled a range of draconian Gestapo-like powers under the ASIO Terrorism Act. In 2008, the Labor Party joined China and drafted a wide ranging internet censorship bill custom-tailored to silence political speech.