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Forum Post: Attention! the 14th Amendment protects you from a summary judgemnet for default filed by a bailout bank!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 11:45 a.m. EST by Impiro (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

ATTENTION 99%! IF A BAILOUT BANK IS SEEKING A DEFAULT JUDGEMENT AGAINST YOU A STATE JUDGE CANNOT UPHOLD THAT JUDGEMENT WITHOUT VIOLATING YOUR 14TH AMMENDMENT RIGHTS TO EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW! The government passed its bailout law -- giving, for example, Citi bank $302 billion in bailout money, TAXPAYER money -- yet citibank and other bailout banks continue to go out and seek judgements against TAXPAYERS who defaulted on loans because of the recession THEY (the bailout banks) caused! The 1% get bailed out by the government, yet they still get to come after the 99% who got NO bailout but who funded the bailout and are in economic crises due to the crises the banks caused! Any state court ruling sustaining a judement filed by a bailout bank is violating our 14th ammendment right to equal protection under the law. The violation occurs every time a state court upholds a judgement filed by a bailed out bank against a citizen who had NO bailout law passed in theIr behalf! Knowledge is power. WE ARE THE 99%. IF THE JUDGE WON'T RULE IN YOUR FAVOR DEMAND A JURY TRIAL BY THE 99%!



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[-] 0 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

All banks can be considered to be bailed out because the government is guaranteeing their losses whether they took bailout funds or not.