Forum Post: Attention All Who Oppose and are also filled with Hatred
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 12:21 a.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Your hate only fuels our fire. You make it more obvious that things must change with your ignorant bigoted comments. Not to mention you make the your side of the opposition look like bigots when so many of you come out and have nothing to say other than call people filth. It's funny because you can't argue against the facts. Wall Street, the federal reserve, and our government are responsible for devaluing our US dollar and causing an economic meltdown.
So keep the bigotry coming. It only makes YOUR cause look childish and ignorant. Just like with the racists in the 60's and just like the Westboro Baptist Church who hates everyone.
The corrupt are the problem. Not the people protesting the corrupt.
John F Kennedy once said "An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
If you do not agree with OWS that is your prerogative. But you can disagree with respect instead of hate.
You will never convince anyone that they are wrong by calling them filth. All you will do is make them try harder to convince the world how right they are.
Use logic, not hate.
"Ignorance is not shy, while the truth is modest because it owns the facts"
You are correct that the government is culpable and repsonsible for much of the mess.
But, If the government is responsible for the problems and corruption, why isn't the movement protesting against the government?
Protesting Wall Street does nothing. Only government can make changes. Only government holds the power.
It doesn't make sense to protest Wall Street unless the movement is intentionally trying to coverup or mask actual government complicity and responsibility for our current problems.
Wall Street is the root of the corruption. That's where a ton of the funding for the corruption comes from. I suggest you watch the movie Inside Job. It's about Wall Street and how it fucked up the economy. The government is a contributor and many people in the protests do protest the government.
A popular sign is "I can't afford a lobbyist."
There are countless signs against the wars as well.
Here in my city we protest the government. We march once a week from our local Federal Reserve to our government building.
All 3 of our congressmen voted for the patriot act as well as the iraq war and it's continual funding.
Whatever happened to the constitution?
How could Wall Street be the "root" of the corruption if they don't have the power.
Wall Street pays off the politicians who have the power. Therefore, the government is the "root" of the corruption.
If the government wasn't corrupt, Wall Street wouldn't be able to buy influence.
You are acting like the government and the politicians are some innocent bystanders in all of this cesspool of corruption.
The corruption originates in the government. They have all the power. Protesting Wall Street won't accomplish shit.
The only thing it will accomplish is covering up for the corrupt politicians and corrupt government. The ones with the actual power.
Watch the movie Inside Job. It's about the bullshit of Wall Street. It will answer all of your questions much better than I can. And it won an academy award this year for best documentary.
But i 100% agree with you that the corruption in the government needs to go. I speak about the corruption of our 3 congressmen here in my state in our local Occupy all of the time.
Sorry. A film made by liberals and Matt Damon is proof of nothing.
I am well aware of what caused the financial meltdown and it's roots go back many, many years. The root of it was government and it's political quest to institute social policies into the private banking sector over economically sound policies.
because you're better than Matt Damon?
I'm definitely better than him. He may have more money, but he is still a lying leftist.
He spent too much of his youth being indoctrinated by his communist neighbor, Howard Zinn.
What makes Matt Damon better than other people in your mind? Are you one of these air heads that think actors are people with integrity and intelligence?
For one he goes around the world feeding children because he's a humanitarian. I'm not saying he's better than anyone but he's a well educated man, a humanitarian, and that documentary is facts and real interviews. You are the person who is trash talking people. Not me.
Well ... To each his own. Matt Damon is your hero. Glad to hear it.
How many children does he feed around the world?
Yeah whatever did happen to the Constitution? Seeming as you guys attempted to violate it by disrupting commerce which is a Constitutional offense. Or is OWS that stupid to realize that?
Pertaining to what specific incidence? Walking across a bridge and halting traffic because walking takes a while? That's the worst I've heard about so far, as far as large groups of Occupy go.
Black Bloc is not Occupy.
Uh attempting to block access to the NYSE and attempting to prevent the people that work there from getting into their offices would be that incident I'm pertaining to. In fact, it's on the front page of this site.
Many people at the NYSE had it coming for stealing people's pensions and 401k's.
Most thieves are punished much harder. Where's the due process for wall street thieves? They're not being arrested so we just try and stop them from stealing.
Really? So the 99% that you supposedly represent deserve to not go to work? Because here's a newsflash, the the majority of the people that work at the NYSE are middle class people just trying to earn a living. The very same people that you are working so hard and diligently to protect from the evil claws of the 1%. Are there any other myths that OWS believes that you want shut down?
Shut down the source of the problem. The NYSE. No one is going to get fired for what protesters do. If they miss a couple hours of work, it's not going to get anyone fired. Ending the wars is going to bring a lot of troops home and put them out of active duty which they get paid for.
This is not a good reason to continue the wars.
You shut down the NYSE, you cripple the American and global economy. Then you made the problem a lot worse for those who were already in a shitty situation, and those who weren't and happy with their lives to begin with. You cripple the economy, the state is forced to make cuts. And what will they cut? The things that you people find important like education and health care. It's statements like yours that make the OWS movement not being taken seriously because your solutions are absolutely rubbish. Shut down Wall Street for a day, a week, and see how many people you will fuck over, the same "99%" that you're a part of.
Don't get mad at me. I'm not in New York. We'll see what the numbers say tomorrow. It drops hundreds of points all the time. It's a scam.
Perhaps, we simply hate being "represented" by people who don't represent us. In this fashion, you're no better than the corrupt politicians you claim to want out of office. Stop claiming you represent 99% of don't.
The 99% is a income level. It's to point out that 1% has almost everything. The 1% compared to the 90% is even worse as far as income.
Our problem is actually with most members of the .00000001%
But thank you for being respectful in your comment of opposition to this movement. I have no problem if people disagree or don't like this movement. Well obviously I wish they supported it... I hope you do take sometime to look into Wall Street and the federal reserve and why we're in these wars. There is more than meets the eye. Our government is lying about a lot of issues.
Great. I challenge you to frame this movement under guided principles sans extreme ideology. Rid the Canadian filth who despise legal wealth; rid the ignorant tantrums of those who seek to control entities far beyond their influence; embrace real change through established channels.
I agree that a few of the shots at OWS have been over the top, but what do you expect when your entire movement is based on hatred for "the 1%," the tea parties, Republicans, and various other enemies? OWS's frequent episodes of violence haven't helped either.
Hatred and anger are two completely different things. Acts of hatred are violent, acts of anger can be directed positively. Besides, don't blanket the entire movement based on misconceptions, a lot of the protesters are agreeing with Tea Party. True that we don't agree with Republicans, or Democrats, congress, corrupt CEO's who steal YOUR money, but it's not hatred.
My characterization of the "whole movement" in the comment above was probably overly broad. You seem quite reasonable and not driven by hate toward politically disfavored categories of people. However, I don't think you are in the majority of occupiers.
I think you'd actually be surprised. Most of us come with lots of well educated information, some of which a lot of people just don't or can't understand due to a lot of things (also being addressed by OWS as a whole) like our failing education system.
If you want respect, then how about you people stop acting like idiots on the streets. Really, what was the point of blocking someone who is part of the 99% that you supposedly stand for from going to work? What was the point of blocking the subways? What was the point of you screaming at and stalking school kids as they try to go to school? Do about your business all you want, but don't make bystanders suffer for it because your stupid actions on the streets makes you look childish and ignorant as well.
So OWS has got your attention, has you posting here and engaging in the debate. Guess what, you've been Occupied! It's a bit like Dr. Seuss. "We are here, We are here!" OWS has changed the conversation, added a different perspective, brought light to problems that effect everyone but have not shared the same spotlight as those ideas backed by Corporate sheep. The whole world is watching, and talking, about the issues. Occupations, marches, ect. are only the first phase of evolution. It will continue to reinvent itself. Have a look at this document Idiots? I beg to differ.
NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia
Great. I challenge you to frame this movement under guided principles sans extreme ideology. Rid the Canadian filth who despise legal wealth; rid the ignorant tantrums of those who seek to control entities far beyond their influence; embrace real change through established channels.
We want to make the country better by giving the control over the electoral and legislative processes back to the Citizens of the United States of America. To do this it will take a Constitutional Amendment like this one:
This will remove one fight in getting changes made by not having to compete with those that have bought the system, Corporate America by removing money from them from the political system.
“SECTION 1. We the people who ordain and establish this Constitution intend the rights protected by this Constitution to be the rights of natural persons.
“SECTION 2. The words people, person, or citizen as used in this Constitution do not include corporations, limited liability companies or other corporate entities established by the laws of any State, the United States, or any foreign state, and any such corporate entities that are subject to regulation”.
“SECTION 3. All entities except people, person, or citizen as used in Section 2 of this amendment are excluded from participation in the political process”.
“SECTION 4. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the people’s rights of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, free exercise of religion, freedom of association and all such other rights of the people, which rights are inalienable”.
Can you more directly answer my post and attribute a reason as to why legitimate counterpoints are voted low?
What counter points?
The perfect bill
Another lost soul who thought OWS could empower via a collective Tantrum. Never mind, I've already wasted too much time here I'll never get back..........and, for what? A mass tantrum..............................................................................................................................................
What counter points?
Get over yourself and join the fight or you may get ignored. Now that a Congressman drafted the legislation, one less battle to fight.
I don't even understand the voting system on this forum, and rarely ever get them anyway, so don't take it too literally.
Did you just try and justify a decreasing US dollar which has put a lot of people in a bad financial standing?
I've never heard anyone in favor of a decreasing American economy and a decreasing dollar which drives up expenses to American businesses and puts consumers in the poor house with grocery bills that increased drastically since the 90's... and many other problems.
When people can't buy as much, it actually hurts the economy.
When our dollar is weaker in comparison to another nation.... that hurts us... even locally in our super markets. Considering we are an import nation... it really fucking hurts having a devaluing US dollar. Because then everything is more expensive. So my 14 dollars an hour in 2011 is like making 10 dollars an hour in the 1996.