Forum Post: Attention All Protesters
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 12:04 a.m. EST by MrOtis
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you all stopped wasting your time protesting and get a job maybe you would have something to show for your life. Take that minimum wage paycheck you're receiving every week and invest it in the stock market or perhaps a college education then you might be able join that one percent of the population who actaully have wealth. Everyone of you have had a selfish moment in your lives, who are you to judge these people who went out and made something out of themselves? This protest is ridiculous- too many of you are looking for a hand out. I am by no means wealthy, I work fifty five hours a week, pay my bills, and have a small portfolio in the market. Even in this so called "recession" I am able to take my fiance out to dinner every week and buy the items I desire. Bottem line: stop being lazy and do something with your lives standing in the street with a picket sign screaming about something you have no idea how it works, you might as well just be homeless. You people make me sick. People think that the wealthy are the problem in this country but in fact it's you who are the problem. Questions or comments please I welcome them all and if you think this is an attack on the protest, it is.
You know, this tired old "go get a job" line needs to go. When was the last time you looked at the statistics? For every job opening, there's at least six applicants to fill it (depending on the job category, that is). Most OWSers have jobs. And some of us, like myself, have to deal with discrimination in the job market. Mine's age-discrimination. If you think it doesn't exist just because it's "illegal to discriminate" you have your head up your ass.
As you said it, gnomummny.
The old "do you have a job?" worked as a sneer in the nineties, but not in this day and age.
Yeah, it's been over-played. They need to bring out a new argument. Wait! They don't have one.
I think you're much better off sitting on your ass under a tarp or banging on a drum.
You wouldn't have to work 55 hours a week to take your fiance out one day a week if wealth was distributed more evenly, meaning you (yup, you) would be making more money for the work that you already do. It benefits you as well as the majority of our country. If you can give a rational argument against that point, I welcome your response.
If you think this is an attack on your ill-informed opinion, it is.
You are right.
There will always be a 1%, but that 1% does not have to have more than 50% of what's out there. 5 or 10% would be far more acceptable.
Angry huh? Good.
It shows we're doing a good job, people. This gentleman is angry frustrated because what people like he are doing is no longer considered acceptable.
There are no JOBS why cant you people get that thru your heads? do you think we WANT this situation>/? Maybe your company will close down, then you would understand.
Also, why are you prejudice towards the homeless? Do you think that you are more human than they are?
there are more than four unemployed persons for every available job. What do you propose people do? Move to China and make trinkets for Walmart?
If there are only 4 or 6 people competing for one job. Those are pretty good odds. The job I now have, for two years now, had 14 other applicants. I think that for unemployment to be hovering around 9% would suggest those numbers may be low. I suggest there are more then just 6 people applying for one job. I have seen local news reports of 50 people at one place that had 3 jobs. The "get a job" blanket statement is a gross stereotype, that reminds me of the "all tea party are racists" junk.
Do you realize there are too many workers for the jobs that are available? Do you realize real worker pay has gone down over the last 30 years? If you got paid the same as someone doing what you do, did in 1979, you would only have to work 40 hours for the same pay....10 more hours of work for the unemployed.
I don't think wealthy people are a problem at all. I live a very comfortable life myself. But I know when I see things around me that are not right. I know that my representation in government has been corrupted by money. Because Wall Street has not been brought to justice for their crimes in the financial crisis. This is but one example. But it is an important one.
1% buys their representation in government 99% are left with the scraps. So by all means, continue to live a good life. But, ask yourself, is our Representative form of government working fairly and equally as it should? Or has it been hijacked by the 1% that has the means to buy it.
"When the excesses of business interests and their political proteges in Washington leave the regular guy broke and screwed, the response is always for the lower and middle classes to split down the middle and find reasons to get pissed off not at their greedy bosses but at each other.
It's a classic peasant mentality: going into fits of groveling and bowing whenever the master's carriage rides by, then fuming against the Turks in Crimea or the Jews in the Pale or whoever after spending fifteen hard hours in the fields. You know you're a peasant when you worship the very people who are right now, this minute, conning you and taking your shit. Whatever the master does, you're on board. When you get frisky, he sticks a big cross in the middle of your village, and you spend the rest of your life praying to it with big googly eyes. Or he puts out newspapers full of innuendo about this or that faraway group and you immediately salute and rush off to join the hate squad. A good peasant is loyal, simpleminded, and full of misdirected anger."
If you drop posts with the words "If you all stopped wasting your time protesting," you might be a good peasant.
You blessed man. Your sympathy for those who suffer is equal to your grasp on reality. Soon, my Fascist friend, you will be under the gun. We won't laugh at you. We'll understand that you are just misinformed and uneducated. We'll take you back even when your current peers reject you.
When you lose your job and can't find another, you will still be welcome here.
I am a 27 year old college grad with a full time job at a major nyc museum. I owe a little over 10gs for my 4 years of college because I was accepted into NY state's Higher Ed. opportunities Program (HEOP).
Funding for which has been cut more and more every year. I also received almost $5,000 in ed awards for serving with Americorps for 11 months. Yet, eliminating Americorps entirely has just been proposed. To any unemployed young adult I'd say volunteer with Americorps, if it's still funded.
If you want any environmental experience try I agree with the idea that people have to empower themselves, however there is economic inequality and blatant avarice in this country. The "trickle down effect" that wealthy republicans refer to has been proven to be non existent. You seem to forget that the world is not black and white there is alot of grey. I understand that the 1% is constantly changing so when any TRUE American gets there he should be honored to give back or as the rapper Coolio, who served as a wilderness firefighter in CA would say " When ya get it goin and ya got it goin good Ya better bring back somethin for da hood!"
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who believe they are free.
I know, let's pretend we're part hippie, part native American tribe, part alien and develop a ridiculously childish system of wagging our fingers at each other to communicate at meetings. Something that we'll look back on thirty years from now and find we are in a perpetual state of embarrassment about regarding the depths of delusion to which we were evidently able to sink. Then, please, someone drum!
do you know what stockholm syndrome is?
Pure genious! Fuck you lazy fuckheaded hippies. Work! Work Hard! & take a goddamned shower....but more importantly, eat dicks.