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Forum Post: ATTENTION! A new Movement is Builing! A Social Republic! Join Us!!

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 24, 2012, 4:25 p.m. EST by guyfawkes1984 (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

http://www.thesocialistrepublic.org/ a new start for a new world



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[-] 1 points by PetadeAztlan (113) from Sacramento, CA 13 years ago

Agree with Phanya2011. Yes, we should be more aware and not make stupid mistakes such as Builing when I imagine it should be Building. Is this a Freudian subconscious form of Bullying!.

[-] 1 points by Phanya2011 (908) from Tucson, AZ 13 years ago

Being old school, I am somewhat put off by poor spelling and grammar, whether it be due to typographical error or otherwise. If you are involved in creating the referenced website, I would be happy to edit the writing. No charge, of course. And no obligation to accept my suggestions. Example: over baring should be overbearing; things like that. In my experience, people get tired of reading a lot of stuff, so the more succinct your message is, the more likely people are to read it.

[-] 1 points by Neweratyme7 (7) 13 years ago

Why give it a name? Doe this movement, that has taken hold all over the globe require a name? Does it have to be recognized in order to make it a reality? There is nothing that can stop this movement...it is of the inevitable fate of mankind which he brought upon himself with greed, murder and the destruction of earth and its inhabitants!!. I would implore individuals to understand that what it taking place is not by accident, or just a matter of people being fed up!! This is a battle between the rich and the poor and until people recognize that this is the result of centuries of human destruction...then they need not wonder why their world is about to be blown asunder with the power of positive thought and actions towards the future.
Please, read and realize...this is out of our hands....we are following something greater than all of us!!


I believe that those who protest stand up for the right of every person to live and enjoy life on earth as we were meant to! No one has power greater than these movements with no name.......so go with the flow and be at Peace!!

[-] 1 points by Phanya2011 (908) from Tucson, AZ 13 years ago

Different people require different structures within which to allow the inevitable to unfold. And who are we to say that the energy they bring isn't part of the process?

[-] 1 points by Neweratyme7 (7) 13 years ago

I agree....