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Forum Post: Attack Bank Of America!! Withdraw it all on 1-6-2011!!! Spread the word!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:05 a.m. EST by Mike111 (1)
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What's the best way to attack a corrupt bank that has stolen you tax dollars, is laying off 30k people, charges you to use your own money and is now even getting a 3rd non publicized bail out (two from TARP now this:http://www.blacklistednews.com/Bank_Of_America%27s_Backdoor_Bailout_-_Dumping_Mortgage_Trash_Onto_Taxpayers_Via_Fannie_Mae/15748/0/0/0/Y/M.html ) Now your and I have to guarantee all of their bad mortgages. They sold their mortgages that were most likely to default to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac so the taxpayers instead of BoA would be on the hook!!!


Lets show those fucking bastards who has the power, if you have a BOA account CLOSE it on 1-6-2011, and don;t leave without your money!!! If you have a mortgage, refinance it with someone else, lets get everyone to stop doing business with those corrupt bastards at BOA and drive them to fail to the point where congress will not give them another bail out!!!!


(After BOA we go after Citi bank!! Fuck those crooks too!!)

(use you local credit unions instead)



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[-] 1 points by TeBrun (22) 13 years ago

We should bring our savings together and create a 99% nonprofit bank. Siphon the money out of Wall Street and collectively bring forward some real competition. No big bonuses, lobbyists, hidden fees, evil doings.....

Credit unions are great but they will suffer too once the industry slumps again. But there is strength in numbers and the 99% could create a nonprofit powerhouse. It could be a powerful lending institution where mortgages could stay and not be sold off to Fannie Mae.

Pulling the money out of the big banks is essential because they are going to bottom out soon. And there is strength in #'s. Pooling our money together could prop up the middle class.

[-] 1 points by EVmc (11) 13 years ago

how to find a local bank http://solari.com/articles/banks/ get your money out they use your money to screw ya

[-] 1 points by doseyt (2) from Seattle, WA 13 years ago

It is absolute bullshit that they charge you to have a checking account. You give them your money so they can go gamble with it and make a profit. BOA along with every other bank trying to begin charging for checking accounts in response to new regulations are able to still make considerable profits with out this added source of revenue. It is this overly capitalistic attitude of continually striving for more which, if gone unchecked, will ultimately consume itself.

To put thing in perspective, Bank profit margins are in the tens of Billions and they do not produce anything! Boeing in Seattle, WA makes arguably the most complex and biggest ticket items produced in the US, has profit margins only in the hundreds of millions.

[-] 1 points by gsincjr (4) 13 years ago

If all the people move to local community banks, wont they turn into big banks? Anyone else feel like they're watching a South Park episode?

[-] 1 points by BOYCOTT (25) 13 years ago

not necessarily - think about WHY you even need a Bank. So you can use your ATM card? So your money is SAFE? Hah! - the local banks will become bigger locally but that's where the money should be.. People keep money in banks typically as a way protect their dollars from thieves ITS certainly NOT for the interest gained.

There are other ways to pay you bills and protect you money than support the BIG BANKS that are F$#@%ing you over all along the way. Its in you in YOUR community! not in Wall Street.

Most 99% keep their money in the Big Banks because that is what they always have done and for convenience - revolutions are not always Convenient!

99%ers Wake the F$#@ Up and ACT! We have the power!!

[-] 1 points by BOYCOTT (25) 13 years ago

NOTE!! - if you call for 1-6-2011 to run on B of A, B, they will make it difficult to access your funds. I suggest it start NOW! little by little until Jan 6th. You can open a new account (at a new bank) somewhere else for your exact balance and write a check to open it (clearing out your account).

We can use Jan 6, as the the ceremonial day that B of A was crippled by the People of America. Without the 99% support they need to find another way to F%$# over their FAT CAT customers.

[-] 1 points by BOYCOTT (25) 13 years ago

Use local community banks - IF they still exist in your area. If not you can get you money converted to cash and hold it - I know! scary for some people. Also investing is PHYSICAL silver can be safe - but the market is still heavily manipulated by JP Morgan and the likes. And there is a storage problem in protecting your metal.

If you still need to use a Big Bank - i still keep my Wells Fargo accounts open because they never tried to F$%# me over... yet.

I still need accounts to run my small business so they appear to still operate a little outside of the crap the traditional Wall Street banks do.

[-] 1 points by BOYCOTT (25) 13 years ago

We can start with Bank of America, one of the WORST offenders and their corrupt mortgage practices, foreclosure processes and bank fees - B of A needs to go.

JP Morgan is very corrupt in their world-wide market manipulation.

Goldman Sachs and their corruption of practices set up trying to eliminate policies set up to protect consumers and favors FAT CAT banks and hedge fund managers - look up Robert Rubin

[-] 1 points by MasterLance (4) from Queens, NY 13 years ago

What banks do you suggest we use then?

[-] 1 points by MasterLance (4) from Queens, NY 13 years ago

What banks do you suggest we use then?

[-] 1 points by ijustliketoprotest (15) from Wilmington, NC 13 years ago

for the record, BoA can stop you from withdrawing all your money and can put a freeze on ALL withdrawals if too many happen on the same day. a much better tactic is to remove a little bit each day until it's empty, then go in on the 6th and close the accounts. they can't stop yo from closing an empty account.