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Forum Post: At the Gates of the Media

Posted 9 years ago on May 18, 2015, 8:40 a.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
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You can see Sanders struggling here fighting the heavy policing of corpirate control...the oddly plastic hyper aggressive interviewer interrupting and changing topics as he is on a timed count down to speak anything freely ...I don't watch cnn but I'm guessing the Nancy Grace style has been fully adopted and shoved down our throats so we will get used to being talked over and ignored...they do this to steer conversations away from anything their sponsors and owners don't want discussed. Why oh why do we have to beg the keepers of the airways to plead the case of the people....kissing the rings of the Godfathers and Lords who have bought up and taken over and now monopolize the public airways?


I can picture the producers in her earbuds...telling her when to interrupt...this blatant manipulation to construct an alternate reality. Crazy making. The reporter in this clip has lost every scruple, journalistic ethic and thread of integrity she may have started out with...she is now but a mere sock puppet spreading the propaganda of the one percent. Turning herself into a bulldog shrew that misrepresents the general thoughtful listening contemplative nature of women and makes it seem normal that we speak without thinking, don't listen, and control others with shrieking and demands. This is not what women are nor what we should aspire to. We can succeed without turning into this. And CNN's view of the successful women is rather disgusting to me as a feminist woman. We don't have to lose what we are to fit into the business ideal of success. Uncompassionate, controlling, disregarding, selfish...power hungry? No...woman are by nature generous, giving, understanding, and contemplative...I'm sure the business world just hates that...gets in their way...want to train us on a new model and ideal of a successful woman. Ladies...let's reject this idea and subtle brainwashing shift to change our nature and behavior and quest to subdue our inner strenghth and integrity. Let's hold to who we are. Women throughout history have most often shone their light on suffering and oppression ...we are a balance and counterweight to the often violent greedy nature of men. The one percent effort to masculanize and change that is detrimental to the world.



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[-] 2 points by elf3 (4203) 9 years ago

I can picture the producers in her earbuds...telling her when to interrupt...this blatant manipulation to construct an alternate reality. Crazy making. The reporter in this clip has lost every scruple, journalistic ethic and thread of integrity she may have started out with...she is now but a mere sock puppet spreading the propaganda of the one percent. Turning herself into a bulldog shrew that misrepresents the general thoughtful listening contemplative nature of women and makes it seem normal that we speak without thinking, don't listen, and control others with shrieking and demands. This is not what women are nor what we should aspire to. We can succeed without turning into this. And CNN's view of the successful women is rather disgusting to me as a feminist woman. We don't have to lose what we are to fit into the business ideal of success. Uncompassionate, controlling, disregarding, selfish...power hungry? No...woman are by nature generous, giving, understanding, and contemplative...I'm sure the business world just hates that...gets in their way...want to train us on a new model and ideal of a successful woman. Ladies...let's reject this idea and subtle brainwashing shift to change our nature and behavior.