Forum Post: At last!!!!!!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 8:01 a.m. EST by peho
from Solna, Stockholms Län
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The American dream is not that 1% of the population stands for a fourth of the nations total income. The real dream is that everobody is given a fair chance in life. Best regards Per Holmqvist Solna, Sweden
Thanks so much for your contribution.
Are you telling me a kid in orange county with parents making 300k and more a year has the same chance as a kid in south side Chicago , who's patents work two jobs and make less than 40k a year.....Common man...I know we are supposed to be all hard working, but we don't start at the same starting line. This affects greatly where we end up.....
Hi abmebratu (Do you have a real name?) It´s nice to "talk" to someone from Washington DC. I dont know what you mean by youre first reply "Bullshit". About your second reply, so here is my answer. I want it to be that no matter where you are living (Orange county, (southside) Chicago, Stockholm (Sweden)) everybody is worthy a fair chance to a good life. Best regards Per Holmqvist, Solna, Sweden
Hi abmebratu (Do you have a real name?) It´s nice to "talk" to someone from Washington DC. I don
t know what you mean by you
re first reply "Bullshit". About your second reply, so here is my answer. I want it to be that no matter where you are living (Orange county, (southside) Chicago, Stockholm (Sweden)) everybody is worthy a fair chance to a good life. Best regards Per Holmqvist, Solna, SwedenI would also like to give my best regards to Susan Sarandon and Michael Moore, who year after year makes people think, not once and not even twice but three times or moore, about the life they are living. Rich as well as poor people! Again Best regards Per Holmqvist, Solna, Sweden
Thank you! And here's how we do it here:
How we can easily Reform Wall Street: Take away their powers once again.
"We are here Congress because we want to bring BACK the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which saved our country from the Great Depression by preventing banks and insurance companies from merging and becoming large brokerage firms; instead of Banks and Insurance companies--can't we learn a history lesson here Congress? Btw, why did most of you vote for its repeal in 1999?
Think about where we are now, it all started in 1999 with the subprime loans Senator Phil Gramm was peaching on Senate floor.
Furthermore, we also want you to CHANGE the Commodities Future Modernization Act of 2000 BACK to where it was before 2000, which since has deregulated energy markets and has allowed for such scams as The Enron Loophole; whereas in the early 2000's Enron Corp. was charging 400 bucks plus for a kilowatt hour...They all when to jail for this. But, the Enron loophole is still not closed, for example, allowing speculators to resell barrels of oil over and over again before it reaches the gas station owner. It's basically, legal gambling at our expense. What were those lawmakers thinking then? What are you thinking now? Either do the right think, or you're part of the 1%."
Why are oil prices high? The Enron Loophole
Rolling Stones Reporter: Truth about Goldman Sachs--how they have cornered the markets--basically, The Enron Loophole and the Repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in 1999.
Tack Per. Väl sagt! We Americans, and American Swedes, agree! :-)
Thank you! Btw i love Glasgow
Thank you so much, and as one who has opposed the current American corporate system all my life with nothing to show for it but poverty and frustration, I will say it again . . . At Last!!!!!!!
Hi and thanks to you, too! I know that "at last" is small words in the bigger context, but i, and obviously you too , really mean at last as bigger words!
Just pray for us, man. It's starting to look like we need it. Americans are mostly new to this stuff and expect everything to go their way immediately, or they wanna pack up and go home. These folks don't seen to grasp that they have no home to go to anymore! This is it, we will stand or fall here, and I hear a lot of complaining about lack of resorces or manpower, or whatever. No one seems yet to have grasp the power they have in their own hands. My God, what a country!
It seems to me that you have some of the power (as you so well discribe it in the latest reply to me) in your hands. Use it in the best way you can. But remember, enjoy what you have and your life accordingly! Best regards Per Holmqvist, Solna, Sweden
Best regards to you, and to the people of Sweden!