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Forum Post: Asymetric, nonviolent warfare methods against Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Government.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 12:54 a.m. EST by quadrawack (280)
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Hi folks,

I'm a sympathizer with your movement as a slightly left leaning libertarian, and a guerilla fighter.

While I applaud the Occupy Wall Street, some of us who are too busy doing stuff have other means at our disposal to F--k with the Man. I've always been a guerilla warfare type of fighter, which means maximum bang for the buck. If you're not able to walk in solidarity, seriously consider these as active actions that you can take that, in a lot of ways, are as effective, if not moreso than standing in protest.

The basic strategy is to deny them the source of their power, which is your money, also known as your life energy (cause you work for a living.)

1.) Get your money out of the big banks. Credit Unions, small community banks that invest locally are best.

2.) Get your money out of the stock markets and mutual funds. Not only are the markets so unbelievably rigged against you, they also throw your money like a gambler and expect tax payers to pay for there losses, the fact is we're also in a once in a generation secular deflationary downturn anyway.

Consider investing that money into a local business/startup/entrepreneur you know, trust, and believe in.

3.) Don't shop at Wall Mart. Go to your local farm, farmer's market, maker's market, local mom and pop shops. Keep away from franchises and chains.

4.) Seriously consider attending your local township/council/community meetings to start preparing your communities for more economic collapse. I'm on my town council and we're already working on this one. One of the concepts we're considering is using the Ithaca local currency model of the Ithaca hours system. Get off your butt and be present. Seriously consider the concept of Free Banking.

Examples that work: Ithaca hours system, North Dakota State Bank.

These states are working on decoupling from the Fed Reserve via instituting gold and silver standard currencies: Montana, Missouri, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Georgia and Washington. If you're lucky enough to live in these states, get actively involved in your local community and state and work on supporting this.

The Federal Government, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve work in collusion to rig the markets, bail out their cronies, bribe our politicians, rewrite the rules in their favor. Forget even considering them to help your community. That'll never happen. Best to strike em in other ways like in a boycott of the dollar overall.

5.) Work to build resiliency in your community. The Western economic crisis is because of CENTRALIZATION of power, money, and resources.

If you've ever read Buckminster Fuller, you'll know that A.) That man is a genius, and B.) That all future trends that dominate the future are based on Decentralization.

It started first with the internet. Then software, now hardware, now manufacturing (Maker movement), and now it's even spreading to currency (bitcoin), and we're already seeing it spread to energy and food (guerilla gardening and localized energy movements).

Apply decentralization to your life.

Anyway, these are just a few examples of things you can do as a form of protest. Although I wouldn't mind heading out to Philly or D.C. to walk with a sign all day, and I am in agreement with a LOT of your frustration, I have ideas and a company that I'm struggling to get off the ground.

Think resiliency and guerilla warfare. Think asymetric tactics. Combine that with the protest on the streets for maximum synergy.

If you ever want to read up more on fighting Wall Street with Asymetric warfare methods (all nonviolent of course), consider reading Brave New War, by John Robb to come up with more ideas.

Something to consider.

All the best to everyone in the movement.



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