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Forum Post: Aspirational Goal

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 11:14 p.m. EST by binru (0)
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Washington is dysfunctional because of greed! Representatives and senators get accustomed to the wine, dining, attending state and societal functions, parties. Senators do this for a minimum of 6 years and will they give it up and if it were you would you give it up easily? They vote to preserve their ‘way of life’, they pass bad bills and block sound bills, they wont make sacrifices and hard decisions!

OWS- Agree on one goal, term limits for Congress: 6 terms for represntatives and 2 terms for senators. No one needs to be in Washington for more than 12 years! Cut off the greed before it becomes infectious and systemic. Why do outgoing politicians vote against the grain, against their party line or their lobbysts handlers? Because they do the right thing and are not held hostage by their greed!



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