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Forum Post: As You Liberals Fight For Illegal Mexican's To Have Civil Rights In The USA (which they have none) Did It Occur To You They Should Go Back To Mexico & Fight For The Civil Rights There Instead Of Demanding Handouts Here?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 11:17 a.m. EST by PolicyMonster (0)
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no I'm sure that will never come up because Whitey needs to continue paying through the nose!



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[-] 2 points by LNAB73 (82) from Oklahoma City, OK 13 years ago

perhaps your question is valid for the far left. Me, I connect dots.. and do not see that opposing unchecked illegal immigration, the legal destruction of our wages via that as well H1B and other underregulated immigration as a not consistent with my own progressive views. Not everyone is a ditto head in lock step. We are facing an exploding population to which legal and illegal immigration has been a major contributor. Republicans like it because it depresses ALL American wages and Democrats covet it because they dream of a future voting block. Me, I want the right to control my borders, to expect that my gov't enforce CURRENT immigration instead of a nod and a wink at the borders. It is destructive to our health, destructive to our resources, and destructive to our future sustainability.

Much as you, I think that if people feel compelled to migrate away from their oligarchial and corrupt countries... then WHY isn't the U.S. trying to help them stay there by pressuring their gov'ts? Why is the U.S. being used a relief valve for RESOURCE RICH COUNTRIES that don't want to share those resources with the majority of their citizens.

IMHO the left is asking the wrong question...and demanding the wrong answer on this issue.