Forum Post: As Long As OWS Remains Staunchly Pro-Israel & Pro-Obama It Will Not Be Popular & Stay a Leftist Movement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 8:07 a.m. EST by Nice1
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Israel & Obama ARE the problem
Watch these posts. Nazis and Klansman love to pretend they are on our side, while they can spout their bunk.
Most of the leading progressives are jewish. Israel is just another power hungry states. All states suck.
Oh, and the one thing Obama and Israel have in common in Zionism. So fuck Zionism too. It's a racist, terrorist ideology and has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism.
Fuck Obama and Fuck Israel. They both support terrorism. How's that?
Um im not pro Obama or israel and im ows. Im not anti either.
I am not leftist. Who is here?
I never knew I was either.
The odd thing is that Obama, by his actions, has been very anti-Israel.
The recent exchange of one Israeli for over a thousand Palestinians pretty much sums up the relative value of life.
And you're supporting your statements with ... ?
Uh excuse me...the Republicans taken over by neo-Conservatives are also pro-Israel. Both parties are fucked.