Forum Post: Article V Meeting: Is it real or just a fantasy?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 11:15 p.m. EST by larryathome
from Red Bank, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have been fortunate in this movement to meet some absolutely wonderful people that want to help us, the citizens of this great country, the 99% who want to effectuate change. Many believe that Article V of the constitution that allows the citizens to amend the constitution is a stretch. We can prove otherwise, so it is now time to put on your hat and contribute back to citizen control over our government. We want to remove the money from politics and we realize that congress will never shoot themselves in the foot by making it impossible for their rich donors to fill their coffers with unlimited campaign cash. While we lack job security, congress gets a free pass. Well this has to stop and we are here to fight back!
We will be holding online meetings and want to have you involved. We have a credible way to make this happen through conferencing. Come to our site and fill out the form on the page and hear what we have to say. We will use your information only for the purpose in sharing the meeting schedules with you.
We need your support to root out corruption in our political campaigning system.
Everyone take action now! This is about you and controlling your own destiny!