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Forum Post: Article 5 Convention and What it means to YOU OWS #1

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:17 a.m. EST by Fresh2Death13 (207) from Windsor, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I believe that Article 5 can change the whole dynamic of our OWS movement. People we no longer have NOTHING to demand of the establishment, its time OWS others have done the work to bring YOU the information needed to take back the American Dream. Apathy and inaction permeate throughout this whole movement people if you can't make it too one of the worldwide protests that doesn't mean you cannot help. I urge any and all to answer the call to duty, call your congressman/woman write letters asking about an article 5 convention. Let's force their hand people if the goal is to dominate and subjugate let's do this Legally and if they reject the voice and will of the people then the time to fight will have arrived. I have spread this link all over this site and I know many of you are well sick of my trolllike dogged pursuit to have this message read. This CAN help to change things this plan can work bring this to any and all's attention start the discussion on article.



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