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Forum Post: Arrogant group of GREEDY BANKERS create bubble and then burst it and make money every step of the way including taxpayer bailout.. laughing all the way back to ....well their banks

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 9:31 p.m. EST by FedWallFedWellFedUP (183)
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Arrogant group of GREEDY BANKERS create bubble and then burst it and make money every step of the way including taxpayer bailout.. laughing all the way back to ....well their banks



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[-] 1 points by LSN45 (535) 13 years ago

And they are getting away with it because they own both sides of the political spectrum. They are making the laws and creating the policy. We need to address the root cause and get the corporate/special interest money out of our politics. We need CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM, first and foremost. Unless this happens things will just continue as they are.