Forum Post: Aren't we all just seeking BALANCE?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 3:19 p.m. EST by geno52
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There is a lot of noise being generated all over the world about the excesses of the 1 % and who should pay what in taxes and how the 99% don't understand how free markets work... blather, blather. The reason that ordinary people who, just a few months ago, had very little interest in politics and economics are now taking to the streets to protest the injustice of income inequality is because the whole works are out of balance. Our eqilibrium has become upset and we want it back. We don't want outlandish pay for doing menial jobs as some of the 1% believe. We are happy to give our lives to years of work in exchange for a decent standard of living. Not much to ask in the richest country on earth.
One would think that balance could be fairly achieved through scientific formulas relating wages to productivity and finding the means to quantify such things, making unions and collective bargaining obsolete. Some would say that free markets already dictate such things but, we still seem to need to agree on paper where that point of equilibrium lies.
Today Unions lay in ruins, the victims of Corporate deregulation and successful union busting efforts that have taken place over the last thirty years. Corporations have grown so strong as to become "too big to fail" and remain so to this day even after the devastation of our economy. Our country has become a Corporatocracy where the voice of the people cannot be heard over the siren song of money. So, our balance is out of whack. We need to get it back. That is what I hear at OWS. We don't begrudge anyone the opportunity to get rich until it impacts someone else's opportunity to eat. When our eqilibrium fails and we topple over it will be all 100% of us that get hurt.