Forum Post: Are you for real!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 8:04 a.m. EST by lk52995
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Are you people kidding me, have you seen who is apart of these rallies i.e. kids you never held a real job (outside of living with their parents), 1960 hippies and freaks! Where are the real WORKING AMERICANS represented here? The majority of real working middle class people with kids and responsibility are busy keeping this country going while the 1% are doing their thing, the government is broken and you people are crying like children who still live at home. You sicken me! Everyone needs to stop complaining and fix our own crap. Instead of sitting on the street, go for a job interview and maybe I don't know you can pay your bills!! I am tried of you and having to pay your unemployment, welfare, SSI whatever the hell your on with MY TAXES! The only one who is going to fix your problem is you, you should have learned that a long time ago! What is this news that the Rich are getting richer and the government doesn't really care? Fight for yourself and your Family as that is the only one who will EVER do that!
BITCH! I served in the Marines for 8 yrs, bitch. Too bad all you have it a F& keyboard, you are the problem!
Don't worry guys you can have MY tax dollars. His can go in the politicians pockets or to a war.
The government of USA was shaken by your protests ,do you still think nothing has happened.And above all you have a humane philosophy behind you ,do you still think you are kidding.In fact the government of USA has been kidding the people of USA since centuries.We have to give sacrifices for the good cause of humanity.
While you are sitting at your computer whining about hippies, we'll be out there fighting for ourselves and you too.
fighting? no. you'll be out there whining in public about how unfair your life is. your parents failed to teach you that life isn't fair. As soon as you understand this universal truth we can get down to the real issue of a massive government.